Fringe Box



Where Is This? No.44

Published on: 12 Feb, 2013
Updated on: 12 Feb, 2013

By David Rose

There was an electronic postbag full of replies to last week’s mystery images!

The view of the River Wey, looking downstream, showed the former Town Wharf. Many of you got that right, of course.

I imagine the photographer was standing where there is now a car park – formerly the Farnham Road bus station. Think that came into use in about 1950. No doubt the bus experts will know the exact date.

To see last week’s post and all the the replies at the foot of it, click here.

The now preserved treadwheel crane can be seen and the building that was once used to generate electricity (today’s Electric Theatre) can also be observed.

The metal footbridge that spanned the river is also in view. It went when the gyratory system was built in the early 1970s.

It is also interesting to consider that, from 1663, when the naviagtion opened, to 1845, when the railway came to Guildford, so much of our town’s imported and exported goods must have been unloaded and loaded at this spot.

The Bargeman statue there today is a reminder of the days of the horse-drawn barges on the navigation and the Town Wharf.

The clock is on the side of St Saviour’s Church.

Contender for the most boring postcard ever of a Guildford view. So where is it?

Contender for the most boring postcard view of a Guildford scene. So where is it?

Here’s this week’s mystery photo – amazing really, the rather uninteresting images that were actually published as postcards in the early 2oth century. It shows a hole in some rocks. Do you know where?

Sign 04We have now run out of clock pictures, but photographer Alistair Fulton has some images of signs in Guildford. You may well pass these quite often, but not always notice them. Or perhaps you’ll recognise them immediately.

So let’s try this one for starters and see what response we get. Do you know where it is?

If you know the answers please leave a reply in the box below. All replies will be posted at about the same time next week, along with a new post with the answers to this week’s photo and mystery date, and the next pair of images.






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Responses to Where Is This? No.44

  1. Bernard Parke Reply

    February 13, 2013 at 7:55 am

    1) Stream At St Catherines

  2. david & ann bailey Reply

    February 13, 2013 at 3:00 pm

    Picture is of the stream at the bottom of Ferry Lane in St Catherines
    Keep off the Grass is in The Castle Grounds by the Bowls Green

  3. David Bennett Reply

    February 13, 2013 at 6:29 pm

    I think this could be the spring or stream near the old ferry crossing at St Catherines.

  4. Ray Springer Reply

    February 13, 2013 at 8:32 pm

    We think it is the spring at the bottom of Ferry Lane at St Catherines,
    “Keep off the grass” looks like it is in the Castle grounds

  5. Norman Hamshere Reply

    February 13, 2013 at 8:50 pm

    Stream running into River Wey at St Catherines

  6. Chris Townsend Reply

    February 14, 2013 at 8:04 pm

    The postcard shows the spring near the foot of Ferry Lane, St. Catherine’s. I vaguely remember a metal plaque there once, but I’ve forgotten the wording. I wonder if it’s still there?

    The sign is in the Castle Grounds.

  7. Jeff Hills Reply

    February 16, 2013 at 5:28 pm

    The photo is of the spring by St Catherine’s old river crossing of the River Wey.

  8. Andrew Cox Reply

    February 17, 2013 at 10:56 am

    The bottom of Ferry Lane where it meets the river.

  9. John Lomas Reply

    February 17, 2013 at 4:12 pm

    Could this possibly be by the boating pond in Stoke Park?
    I seem to remember there was a run off below the pond in the rocks and I think there might even have been a ground and rain water feed to it from the bank above it.

  10. Dan & Tracy James Reply

    February 17, 2013 at 11:50 pm

    Guildford Castle Grounds 🙂 Many a tranquil time spent there and of course…we always ‘keep off the grass’!!!

  11. Brian Holt Reply

    February 18, 2013 at 8:25 pm

    This is St Catherine’s spring, beside the Ferry Lane path. Had had a drink from it many times but nowadays it is no longer safe to drink.

    In 1936 the Surrey Concrete Company improved the spring by adding a fairy footbridge.

    There is a plaque there in memory of Captain Charles Hirst the proprietor of Leroy’s Boat House who used to operate the electric launch The Pilgrim to St Catherine’s lock and back.

    Mary, his daughter, had the plaque erected there.

    The sign is in the Castle Grounds, in fact there are a few of them.

  12. Doug Staniforth Reply

    February 19, 2013 at 2:04 pm

    It’s the spring at St Catherine’s at the end of Ferry Lane.
    The sign is possibly in the Castle Grounds

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