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We Wish All Our Readers And Contributors A Very Merry Christmas!

Published on: 24 Dec, 2017
Updated on: 24 Dec, 2017

The Guildford Dragon NEWS wishes all our readers and our contributors a very merry Christmas and a peaceful new year.

The stained-glass nativity scene pictured here can be found on the east window of Emmanuel Church in Stoughton.

The nativity scene featured on the east window of Emmanuel Church in Stoughton. It is pictured from the outside, visible from Worplesdon Road.

The church was consecrated in 1902, while the east window dates to 1938. It was given by Edith Waltham (from a prominent local family) in memory of her parents and two brothers.

The nativity is not a common feature of stained-glass windows.

Saint Francis of Assisi is said to have created the first nativity scene in a cave near Greccio in central Italy, in 1223, in order to promote the worship of Christ.

His nativity scene was a living one with humans and animals cast in the Biblical roles.

It is a scene in which the Baby Jesus is welcomed into the world with joy and surrounded by love.

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Responses to We Wish All Our Readers And Contributors A Very Merry Christmas!

  1. Jim Allen Reply

    December 25, 2017 at 8:09 am

    I would like to thank the Dragon team for all their work this year, so merry Christmas and a happy new year to you all.

  2. Patrick Ayling Reply

    December 26, 2017 at 8:10 am

    Thank you for your greetings.

    I would like point out that Jesus Christ has nothing to do with the Christmas festive day of the 25 December or any religious significant.

    The most important thing is that people come the gather and enjoy their families, and hopefully shack off the this materialistic this worldly money spinner.

    • Jim Allen Reply

      December 27, 2017 at 12:47 am

      Patrick Ayling’s point out is rather ‘anti-Christian’.

      I have not seen similar comments about Eid or Diwali, and, if so many people believe this as others hold beliefs assigned to dates and events,, I don’t think it is in anyone’s best interest to raise this as the comment.

      It could cause unnecessary upset to may who already feel besieged by the snowflakes and the politically correct.

      A new year resolution would be wise: “Time to stop running down and attempting to trash what you don’t believe in when many do, for many sound reasons.”

  3. Jules Cranwell Reply

    December 29, 2017 at 2:06 pm

    Wishing all at the excellent Dragon a happy and editorially successful New Year.
    We are so priviledged to have a truly independent and brave publication in our town.

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