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Woking Council Turns Taps Off at Popular Water Play Area

Published on: 6 Aug, 2024
Updated on: 8 Aug, 2024

Woking’s Leisure Centre & Pool in the Park Complex. Apple Maps

By Chris Caulfield

local democracy reporter

Children are to miss out on a popular water play area during the summer heat after budget cuts at bankrupt Woking Borough Council meant it could no longer afford the ongoing cost of keeping the taps flowing.

Parents visiting the water play area in Woking Park noticed the taps didn’t have water coming out of them and questioned if this was a permanent closure due to the council’s money issues and whether there was anything that could be done to get them running again.

The council, which declared itself effectively bust last year with debts of about £2 billion, has been selling off assets, cutting jobs and services and increasing tax, as it looks to get out of its self-inflicted mess.

Funding to other popular services such as Citizens Advice, public toilets and community centres have all been slashed. Now the water play area for children has been mothballed while the council “investigates ways” it can turn the taps back on.

The water park is in Woking Park’s play area which the council describes as an amazing jungle-themed playground located next to Woking Leisure Centre.

It features wooden play equipment, slides and swings together with a large sandpit and the now dry water play area.

A Woking Borough Council spokesperson said: “Regrettably, due to the ongoing cost of daily cleansing required to operate the water play feature safely and hygienically, we have taken the difficult decision to temporarily switch off the Woking Park play area water taps.

“We appreciate the popularity of the equipment and currently are investigating ways that we can turn the taps back in the future.”


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