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Write to Our MP for a Second Referendum, Say Local Lib Dems

Published on: 27 Nov, 2018
Updated on: 29 Nov, 2018

Tensions over Brexit continue to bubble as Guildford’s Liberal Democrats appeal to residents to write to MP Anne Milton for a “People’s Vote”, stating whether they back Leave or Remain.

Ciarán Doran, chair of Guildford Liberal Democrats, said: “The government is in meltdown and the mess being made of Brexit is now embarrassing. Whether local residents voted Leave or Remain (or did not vote), it is now clear that the reality of Brexit is very different from the claims made at the Referendum and that the Referendum process had real flaws.

“I have listened to Guildford residents and many think it would be democratic, and good for the country, for there to be a People’s Vote on the final outcome of the Brexit negotiations.

“If that vote were to accept the Government’s deal (or no deal) and leave the EU, then those who favour Remain will have to accept that result: the country will have decided with the facts clearly now before it. That is democracy.

“If there is no support for either of those options, or indeed, a majority for staying in the EU, then I ask the serious questions: why is the UK leaving? How is it democratic? The UK is not legally bound to leave the EU, under EU law, or by the 2016 Referendum. It is free to change its mind: it still has choices.”

“Guildford was strongly Remain but many local people who voted Leave also think it right to make sure the UK truly knows what it wants. This is a decision with very long-term consequences (perhaps decades or more) for the UK.

“Our Conservative MP, Ms Milton, voted Remain.  Despite huge public support in favour of a People’s Vote, it will not happen unless our MPs support it.  Many do but more MPs need to come on board including Ms Milton.

“Local people can write to Ms Milton at her constituency office at Loseley Park or if they need some extra inspiration, they can contact us and we have helpful words suitable for Remain, Leave and those unable to vote in the 2016 referendum.

“We trust Ms Milton will be wise enough to listen to the volume of support from her constituents and make a real difference to the future of the United Kingdom by publicly supporting a People’s Vote.”

Response from Conservative Cllr Christian Holliday (Burpham)

Cllr Christian Holliday (centre) during the EU Referendum campaign

This appears to be a call for a three-option referendum question, a clumsy attempt to split Leave voters between “Deal” and  “No Deal”, thereby allowing Remain to slip through the middle. It should be seen for what it is, a blatant attempt to overturn the democratic decision we made in the people’s vote of 2016, in which 33.5 million people took part.

This is a somewhat strange turn of events given that the Lib Dems called for a “Real Referendum” on Britain’s membership of the EU in 2008, as demonstrated in their literature from the time.  If the Lib Dems were not about overturning the referendum result of 2016 then they would not want Remain on the “Real” ballot paper now, since the decision to Leave has already been made.

In any case, the details of trading arrangements are routine matters for governments and parliaments around the world and not something that would normally be put to a referendum.

Local Lib Dems are offering to provide some “helpful words” to residents who don’t know what to write.  I offer the following helpful words to Guildford Lib Dems, from their former leader Paddy Ashdown, who said on Referendum night: “I will forgive no-one who does not accept the sovereign voice of the British people once it has spoken, whether it’s by 1% or 20%.

“Once they’ve taken [the decision], it our duty as those who serve the public to make the best use, and to make sure our country does the best it can, with the decision the people have given us . . .

“Anybody who says ‘Well, I’m disappointed, I’m therefore going to fight against this’, that is, I think,  an abnegation of the very thing we stand for.”

Liberal Democrats could learn a lot from their previous, more successful, leader.

See also: Guildford’s MP Outlines Her Position on Brexit As Vote on Deal Looms

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