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York Road’s Number Five Night Shelter Transformed Into Life-changing Rough Sleeper Hub

Published on: 3 Apr, 2020
Updated on: 3 Apr, 2020

No 5 night shelter in York Road

Number Five night shelter in York Road is being modernised and the service enhanced so rough sleepers can get the help they need to turn their lives around.

The shelter has been a much-valued resource in Guildford for 30 years, fully supported by churches, local organisations and the community. But over those years the needs of rough sleepers have changed and the operation needed to be adapted to support people effectively.

Guildford Borough Council, Surrey County Council and the Trustees of Number Five have worked together to bring change and welcome the news that Riverside has agreed to operate the new Hub service.

The national charitable housing association manages other supported housing services in the town including Vaughan House and Guildford’s HOST service, providing outreach support to end street homelessness.

Ketan Patel, Riverside’s area manager, said: “The night shelter has played an instrumental role in helping Guildford’s homeless for many years and we are honoured to be taking on the operation of the service.

“We would like to reassure everyone that the provision of emergency accommodation for rough sleepers will continue but the service will be enhanced by opening 24-hours a day, round the clock client support and provision of onsite specialist workers to help people get back on their feet.

“We hope the community will embrace our new Hub and continue to support Guildford’s rough sleepers as usual.”

Cllr Angela Goodwin

Cllr Angela Goodwin (Lib Dem, Friary & St Nicolas), lead for Homelessness, Housing, Access and Disability, said: “The council has worked in partnership with our local charity Guildford Number Five Project since the early days, providing their first home in Bedford Road and the present premises at York Road.

“We are incredibly grateful to the trustees for their diligent work over the past 30 years. Our Housing Advice Service has secured funding from the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government to support the development of the rough sleeper Hub and we  look forward to working with Riverside to implement our plans for the new service.

“The new ub service will began on April 1 and we look forward to sharing more information when COVID-19 restrictions have been lifted.”


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Responses to York Road’s Number Five Night Shelter Transformed Into Life-changing Rough Sleeper Hub

  1. Elizabeth Cox Reply

    December 22, 2020 at 5:56 pm

    We have spare and clean bedding, pillowcases, duvets etc. Would this be of help?

    We live in Godalming.

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