10,000 Electric Vehicle Charge Points Required In Surrey By 2030 – Locations Needed
Published on: 12 Jun, 2022
Updated on: 16 Jun, 2022
Surrey County Council (SCC) estimates the county will need 10,000 electric vehicle charge points by 2030.
This is when the government’s ban on sales of new petrol and diesel vehicles comes into effect, and SCC is asking residents where they would like to see a charge point installed in their area.

Locations needed for on-street electric vehicle charge point locations in Surrey.
SCC says residents can suggest locations for charge points via an online map. There are already more than 400 suggestions from residents but more are needed says SCC as not all locations suggested will be suitable.

Electric vehicle charge point.
They should be where an electric vehicle can park legally and safely, with sufficient pavement space for wheelchairs and pushchairs to pass comfortably and with nearby access to a power supply
- Charge points would normally be standalone equipment, however lighting columns located at the pavement edge nearest to the road might also be possible
SCC has nearly completed installation of the first 80 charge points in Guildford, Spelthorne, Waverley and Woking boroughs as part of a trial funded by the Enterprise M3 LEP and the local borough councils.

Public EV chargepoints in central Guildford (data from the SCC website)

Cllr Matt Furniss.
Cllr Matt Furniss, SCC’s lead for transport, infrastructure and economy said: “Electric vehicles offer an excellent opportunity to help the county on a pathway towards the net-zero carbon vision.
“40% of households don’t have off-street parking, so the provision of further on-street charging infrastructure [points] will ensure charging electric vehicles is accessible to more of our residents.”
Surrey County Council has recently secured £482,250 from the government’s On-street Residential Chargepoint Scheme to fund the installation of a further 110 on-street electric vehicle charge points.
They will be installed across six Surrey boroughs and will be targeted at residential areas with limited off-street parking including central Guildford.
Y Cairns (Mrs)
June 13, 2022 at 7:20 am
Electric vehicles are environmentally wasteful and they use rare elements from dangerous regimes.
Jim Allen
June 13, 2022 at 7:59 am
As the pylons are currently in overload during peak periods, upgrade work is restricted to the hours between 0900 at 1600 each day. There are 2,500 insulators needed on 50 pylons between Chertsey and Guilford. Once installed, a new generator to feed the electricity into the system will be urgently required.
Car charging points are useless when the mains supply simply cannot cope. Time we had councillors and their advisors who understood the real problems and understand the real implications of making radical changes.
Keith Francis
June 13, 2022 at 9:34 pm
As buses are a core element of Matt Furniss’ Transport portfolio, and bearing in mind SCC failed to receive 1p from the government’s last round of funding for buses, will he and all the SCC councillors and other committee attendees set us an example?
Do they expect other people to purchase EV cars or solely use buses to arrive at all their county council meetings at Woodhatch Place, Reigate on time? It’s a 15-20 minute walk from the nearest bus stops!
S Callanan
June 14, 2022 at 12:18 pm
Does Cllr Furniss (or indeed anyone) know how the lost revenue from fuel duty and VAT – about half of the cost of a litre – will be made up by 2030?