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£10m Redevelopment Of Tunsgate Square Gets Go-ahead

Published on: 17 Mar, 2015
Updated on: 17 Mar, 2015

Guildford’s Tunsgate Square will be redeveloped with new shops and restaurants within, what its developers say, will be “a high-quality, well-designed, contemporary building, which will complement the existing high-end shopping surrounding the centre”.

An artist's impression of how the High Street entrance to Tunsgate Square will look.

An artist’s impression of how the High Street entrance to Tunsgate Square will look.

The £10 million revamp – that will include an increase of 10,000 sq ft of floor space brining the total area up to 70,000 sq ft and with a glass roof  – has been passed by Guildford Borough Council.

Developer Queensberry Real Estates says its aim is to “target premium boutique retail and restaurant brands to create a more inspiring shopping and leisure destination”.

It says the High Street entrance will be “transformed with a high level café/restaurant on the first floor overlooking the High Street, and will significantly improve the design, access and future footfall”.

The plans include the creation of two levels to the rear of the scheme, improvements to the elevation of the building on Tunsgate, and an enhanced environment on to Castle Street, creating a visual link to the Castle Gardens.

Its residential units will be retained and the public car park will remain at basement level, with better access to the shops and restaurants.

Work will start this summer and should be completed in 12 months.

The council’s planning committee passed the plans with the majority in favour after it had received 20 letters of objection.

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Responses to £10m Redevelopment Of Tunsgate Square Gets Go-ahead

  1. Sally Parrott Reply

    July 19, 2015 at 3:50 pm

    I wandered from the High Street to Tunsgate Square and was depressed at the sight of so many empty shops, vacated for the redevelopment. But in the far corner, C&H Fabrics was busy and definitely open.

    Staff say it will not be relocating, and will stay open throughout the revamp. For those who don’t know it, C&H is a wondrous source of fabrics, home furnishing, knitting and craft accessories, haberdashery, gifts, games and puzzles, and much more.

    It is worth a visit to support them as Tunsgate is redeveloped round them, I believe.

    The Continental Café is also open until 23 August, before its move to Woking.

    Does anyone know what will happen to Martin Jennings’ 8 ft statue of a naked man, which has amused generations of children?

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