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Home » 2012 (Page 57)

Residents are Fed Up Waiting for Promised Road Repairs

Residents of a Guildford street who are so fed up waiting for promised road repairs have signed a petition in the hope that something will be done soon. Cabell Road…

‘Independent Person’ Will Assess Alderman’s Complaint

A complaint against the Council Leader, Tony Rooth and his Deputy, Stephen Mansbridge, by Alderman Gordon Bridger is to be investigated by an unpaid, volunteer ‘Independent Person’. The appointment is…

Guildford Patients Unaffected by GP Action

Guildford patients appear to have been completely unaffected by today’s British Medical Association GP action, a Guildford Dragon NEWS survey of Guildford surgeries has revealed. All the surgeries contacted said…

Merry Wives of Windsor Set in the 1950s is Strongly Recommended

By Megan Scott The Guildford Shakespeare Company braves the unpredictable June weather by presenting William Shakespeare’s The Merry Wives of Windsor at Guildford Castle Grounds. A lively and clever play,…

GBC Say – Register Early to Vote

Voters across Guildford will soon receive their annual registration form from Guildford Borough Council. Those that register will be able to cast their votes at the polls in 2012-13. The…

New Way Forward to Obtain a Solution for the Future of the GPO

Invitations to selected organisations have been sent out asking them to express any interest in taking over the running of the Guildford Philharmonic Orchestra. Already three positive responses have been…

Come On My Guided Walk to Discover Some of Guildford’s Hidden History

By David Rose Come on a free guided walk next Saturday, June 30, 2012, that I am leading to look at an aspect of Guildford’s history that, surprisingly, few people…

Birdwatcher’s Diary No.9

[thethe-image-slider name=”Birdwatcher’s diary 9″] By Malcolm Fincham The greatest  highlights of my visits to Stoke reserve last week were watching the progress of the young kestrels under the guidance of…

Rain Holds off for Successful Parish Fete

The rain held off and the sun shone, but it was rather windy. However, it didn’t put off all those who visited the parish of Westborough’s Grand Summer Fete on…

Mixed Weather and Mixed Results for Castle Green Bowlers

By Colin Summerhayes Broadwater BC v CGBC 16 Jun In a howling gale, fortunately without rain, the Castle Green Bowling Club played an away match on Saturday against the Broadwater…