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Guildford Girl Duo Sing Their Way To Next Round of TV Talent Show

Guildford based act Pixie and Indie made it through to the next round of the latest TV talent show ‘The Voice’ this evening (14 Apr). Based in Guildford, the two…

Traffic Problems Require Proper Planning

from Bibhas Neogi Without proper planning to deal with traffic problems, development investments by Guildford Borough Council and others could prejudice future solutions and make them more expensive and difficult…

Citizens Speak – The Castle Grounds

Surprisingly perhaps, even some Guildfordians seem to remain unaware of what might be considered the jewel in the crown of our Borough Council’s parks department, the Castle Grounds. Following on…

Masterplan? Come On Guildford Borough Council, Start Again

from Julian D S Lyon MBA FRICS Onslow Village Guildford desperately needs to address its traffic congestion (clearly confirmed by the meeting of 150 to 200 people on 21st March…

Where Is This? No.4

by David Rose Thanks again to all those who replied to last week’s fine pair of pictures. To see their replies click here and then scroll down to the foot…

Family’s Ordeal Trapped on Roof of Guildford Castle

Exclusive: by David Rose A mallard duck and her young were this afternoon (Friday, April 13) waiting to be rescued from the roof of the tower of Guildford Castle. Ducks…

Surrey People Who Sailed On The Titanic

By David Rose In case you didn’t know(!), this weekend sees the 100th anniversary of the sinking of that most famous ship, RMS Titanic, when it hit an iceberg in…

When It’s Spring Again, I’ll Bring Again Tulips From…er…Guildford!

Guildford Dragon reader, Gordon Bridger, ex Town Mayor, wrote in to say what a wonderful year it seemed for the tulips in the Castle Grounds. He sent in a photo…

Margaret’s Marathon Run For Local Stroke Charity

If you or someone close to you has suffered a stroke you will know how difficult life can become – both for the person who has had the stroke and…

A (Master?) Plan By Any Other Name…

From Gerald Bland Guildford Vision Group In his Press Release of 1st December 2011 the Leader of the Council described the short public consultation which ended on 23rd January as…