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MP Learns Of Progress At Weyfield Primary Academy

Published on: 17 Feb, 2015
Updated on: 17 Feb, 2015

Guildford MP Anne Milton visited Weyfield Primary Academy at Slyfield to hear about the new policies and changes which have been put in place and to see the progress that has been made at the school.

Guildford MP Anne Milton with pupils at Weyfiueld Primary Academy.

Guildford MP Anne Milton with pupils at Weyfield Primary Academy.

She said: “I had a wonderful time with the mini-governors and all pupils at the school. It is so important that the children get the very best education and following such an uncertain time, I was delighted to see some of the positive changes in action.

“It was especially good to meet such fantastic young ambassadors for the school. I was also very interested to see some of the imaginative ways that staff are working with children to make them comfortable with maths and creative writing. Great progress by all.”

Neil McDonough, headteacher of Weyfield said: “We were delighted to welcome Anne to Weyfield and are very pleased she has recognised the hard work taking place at the school to improve learning opportunities for all our pupils.”

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Responses to MP Learns Of Progress At Weyfield Primary Academy

  1. George Potter Reply

    February 17, 2015 at 9:07 pm

    Bearing in mind that last year only 20% of pupils from deprived backgrounds at Weyfield reached basic standards of reading, writing and maths, and was ranked as “inadequate” by Ofsted I’m not sure what improvements are being referred to.

    Especially considering that both the 20% and “inadequate” rating are declines from the 27% and “good” rating the year before.

    Is there any information available on what improvements have been made?

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