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Space Camp Week Has Been Out Of This World At Shalford Infant School!

Published on: 13 Jan, 2016
Updated on: 13 Jan, 2016

Inspired by British astronaut Tim Peake, currently on board the International Space Station, pupils at Shalford Infant School are enjoying their own space camp week.

Pictured with head teacher Michelle Dutton are Shalford Infant School; pupils Edward, Christina, Lara, Lev Charlie, Sam and Aoileann.

Pictured with head teacher Michelle Dutton are Shalford Infant School; pupils Edward, Christina, Lara, Lev, Charlie, Sam and Aoileann.

As part of it, all pupils and staff at the school dressed up on Wednesday in a variety of costumes reflecting space travel and the universe.

Some came as spacemen or scientists, others dressed as aliens and stars, while one pupil wore a rocket costume.

The pupils have had a lot of fun and it’s been a great learning experience for them.

The head teacher, Michelle Dutton, said: “We have had special mix-up sessions where children from our three classes have come together to do different space-themed activities. These have been linked to art, dance, design and technology and PT.

“We all took part in a simulated rocket launch in the school hall with the children imagining what it would be like to be weightless in space.

“We have been sending lots of tweets to Tim Peake in space and we hope he will tweet us back.”

Of the costumes the children wore, Michelle said: “We gave them a broad remit and asked them to choose exactly what they wanted to be dressed as.”

Some of the children pictured in the photo said their mums and dads had helped them make their costumes, while one said he had borrowed the lab coat he was wearing from his uncle!

It’s fair to say it’s  been an out of this world experience at the school.

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