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A Memorial To Maxi – the Beagle Who Died On the Railway at Ash Vale

Published on: 6 Nov, 2023
Updated on: 8 Nov, 2023

Mark with his wife and Maxi

By David Reading

An animal lover whose adored beagle Maxi was killed after he strayed onto the railway line at Ash Vale has built a 500-metre fence to prevent fatal or serious injuries to other dogs.

Mark Gould and his four-month-old daughter were walking their dog Maxi near the railway track between Ash Ranges and Ash Vale Station in June when the accident happened.

Mark heard Maxi yelping and discovered him trapped on the railway line.  Tragically, five-year-old Maxi was electrocuted before Mark could rescue him. He had had Maxi from a puppy.

Mark, who lives in Ash Vale, found that the fence separating the path and the railway was insecure allowing Maxi to get onto the track.

The total length of the fence in need of repair was about 500 metres.  Spurred into action, Mark launched a campaign on social media – raising £5,000 from the local community and obtaining a £1,535 discount from Manchester-based mesh supply company Wire Fence.

Around 50 local community volunteers stepped forward to help install the fence.

Mark and his team carrying the fencing into position

Mark, who owns a children’s sports business, lectures in psychology, said: “Maxi was our fun-loving, mischievous, kind-hearted little boy.  He got me through some dark times during Covid and taught me how to be a father.

“I was racked with guilt when he died in the way he did and my wife and I felt that we had to do something in his memory.

“The best option we had was to make sure no other dog’s life would be taken in this way.  The community were unbelievable and we managed to fit 500 metres of fencing in just four hours due to the number and work ethic of the superb volunteers.

“We visit Maxi’s memorial plaque on a daily basis and the fence helps us make peace with this tragedy and remember our boy.”

Installing the fence to prevent other accidents.

The plaque was donated by Ash Vale company Magic Signs.

Maxi will never be forgotten, says Mark, but recently the family have taken on a beagle puppy called Toby, who is four months old.

Wire Fence said: “We are happy to give similar discounts to any community project with a small budget – they are welcome to drop us a line through this contact form:”

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Responses to A Memorial To Maxi – the Beagle Who Died On the Railway at Ash Vale

  1. Ramsey Nagaty Reply

    November 7, 2023 at 8:31 pm

    Mark and those who supported him showed that we are still a nation of animal lovers and care and support when tragedy happens. Maxi lives on in the hearts not just of Mark and his family but all who heard this story.

    Shouldn’t Network rail maintain the fence?

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