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Armed Forces Day – Mayor Says ‘Our Chance to Show Appreciation’

Published on: 27 Jun, 2015
Updated on: 27 Jun, 2015

Armed forces DayArmed Forces Day will be celebrated in Guildford today (June 27).

The Mayor of Guildford, Cllr Nikki Nelson-Smith said this morning: “We have a wonderful day planned to lead the national celebrations for Armed Forces Day, and honour the commitment and dedication of all our service men and women, past and present.

“I hope that many local residents and visitors will join us today to watch the Armed Forces Day parade and at the free Stoke Park event to give a heartfelt welcome to the Royal Navy, the Army and the Royal Air Force. This is a chance to show our appreciation and support for all three services’ personnel, reserves, veterans and cadets. It’s going to be a spectacular celebration and we look forward to seeing you there.”

Guildford Borough Council is advising that the best way to travel to Guildford is by public transport.   London Road train station is a 5-10 minute walk from Stoke Park and Guildford mainline station is a 5-10 minute walk from the High Street, 25-30 minutes from Stoke Park. If you have to drive, three extra free park and ride sites at Aldershot, Wisley Airfield and Merrist Wood College will all serve Stoke Park with services every 15 minutes. The last buses return to the sites at 9pm.

Access to the extra park and ride sites will be clearly signposted from main roads. The Wisley park and ride site is only accessible from the southbound A3, via Elm Lane direct to the disused airfield. The turning is approximately half a mile from the M25 junction.

For more information on the event, travel, road closures and restrictions can be found at:

Following the Armed Forces Day parade through the town at 11.30am, the spectacular free event in Stoke Park features fantastic live action military displays. These include stunning flypasts, breath-taking parachute displays, military bands, motorcycle displays, a gymnastics show and a dramatic battlefield demonstration.

Visitors will be able to see current and vintage military vehicles and aircraft along with displays and demonstrations from the Royal Navy, Army and Royal Air Force. There will also be plenty of live music and entertainment to enjoy throughout the day and into the evening. The event finishes at 7.30pm.

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