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As I Walked Out One Spring Morning

Published on: 26 Mar, 2022
Updated on: 29 Mar, 2022

By David Rose

“When the first breaths of springtime emerge from their slumbers, that bring needed life to the summer ahead, you can then think of days of soft ice cream and lemonade, to drive all the memories of cold from your head.” From the song Turning Into Winter by Billy Mitchell, north-east of England-based singer, musician and songwriter.

Spring flowers in Stoke Park, March 25, 2022. click on all pictures to enlarge in a new window.

Guildford’s Stoke Park and the Castle Grounds have a real feel of spring, as seen in these photos taken while on a stroll yesterday morning (Friday, March 25).

Spring flowers in Stoke Park, March 25, 2022.

In the meadow at Stoke Park by Nightingale Road, the yellow Narcissus (daffodils) are blooming and mixed with what I think is a variety of Scilla siberica (other suggestions welcome), plus some Muscari (grape hyacinth).

Spring flowers in Stoke Park, March 25, 2022.

As the sun broke through, the trees cast delicate shadows across the swathes of flowers.

Spring flowers in the Castle Grounds, March 25, 2022.

Meanwhile, there is already plenty of colour in the Castle Grounds, with further spring plantings yet to come into flower.

Spring flowers in the Castle Grounds, March 25, 2022.

The yellow tulips flecked with red are stunning and the golden theme continues with daffodils, primula, and in Peak’s Pond clumps of marsh marigold (Caltha palustris).

Spring flowers in the Castle Grounds, March 25, 2022.

The latter is an inspired planting, as Guildford, as in the ‘Golden Ford’, is believed to be so named because of the marsh marigolds (sometimes called king cups) that grow in the water meadows, along with the adjacent outcrop of yellow-coloured sand at St Catherine’s Hill.

Hat’s off to Guildford Borough Council’s parks team for their inspired plantings!

Spring flowers in the Castle Grounds, March 25, 2022.

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