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Letter: Borough Council Representative Appointments Were Political

Published on: 11 Jul, 2015
Updated on: 12 Jul, 2015

assemblyFrom Fiona White

Lib Dem county councillor for Guildford West

This letter follows  Guildford Borough Council – Where Democracy Goes to Die, and Council Appointments Were Not All Tory and Not All To Charities.

In Westborough there are two places on the Park Barn Community Centre management committee.

It would have been very easy to appoint Cllr Julia McShane [Lib Dem, Westborough] to one of those places. She was born, raised and lives in the area and has been the ward’s borough councillor for the last four years.

That would still have left the other place open for one of the two new Conservative councillors.

The decision by Guildford Borough Council to appoint both the Conservatives instead of Cllr McShane shows that the choice was a political one by the ruling group in Guildford.

A sign of things to come, perhaps?

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Responses to Letter: Borough Council Representative Appointments Were Political

  1. Fiona White Reply

    July 11, 2015 at 10:19 pm

    Just to be clear, Cllr Julia McShane was a borough councillor for the previous four years but she was not a borough representative on the management committee. The two places were taken by Cllrs Mark Chapman and Christian Gilliam, neither of whom stood for re-election in 2015.

    Thank you. Letter corrected. Ed

  2. Bernard Parke Reply

    July 13, 2015 at 9:49 pm

    Cllr Julia McShane actually knows the ward of Westborough. She lives in it. Not to be selected to serve the people she lives among, whom she has represented for some years is an absolute disgrace.

    However nothing surprises me these days.

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