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Bowling Club Celebrates 90th Birthday With Floral Bedding Display

Published on: 16 Jun, 2013
Updated on: 16 Jun, 2013

Guildford’s Castle Green Bowling Club celebrates its 90th birthday this year, and the milestone is being commemorated in flowers.

The Deputy Mayor of Guildford, David Elms and Anne Milton MP cut the ribbon at the unveiling of the carpet bedding commemorating Castle Green Bowling Club's 90th birthday.

The Deputy Mayor of Guildford, David Elms, and Anne Milton MP, cut the ribbon at the unveiling of the carpet bedding commemorating Castle Green Bowling Club’s 90th birthday.

It takes the form of carpet bedding in the Castle Grounds, close to the picturesque bowling green itself.

Members of the club and invited guests gathered on Saturday (June 15), for the official unveiling of the carpet bedding –  jointly performed by Guildford MP Anne Milton and the Deputy Mayor of Guildford, David Elms.

David Elms and Anne Milton with the bowling club's captain Diana Summerhayes and its social secretary Shirley West.

David Elms and Anne Milton with the bowling club’s captain Diana Summerhayes and its social secretary Shirley West.

In her speech at the unveiling, Mrs Milton said it was good to know that the bowls club has been around for so many years and what a credit the Castle Grounds are to Guildford.

The design, made up of fairly slow-growing or mat-forming foliage plants, incorporates the bowling club’s own badge and was devised by Guildford Borough Council’s parks department and the bowling club’s social secretary Shirley West.

The design incorporates the club's badge that features the Great Tower or keep of Guildford Castle.

The design incorporates the club’s badge that features the Great Tower or keep of Guildford Castle.

Shirley, who organised the event and also put on a display of then and now views of the the Castle Grounds and pictures of past and present club members, said: “I would like to thank the council’s parks department for honouring our club on its 90th birthday, by giving us such a wonderful floral display.

“I also thank park rangers Fin and Nicky for all the work they do making the Castle Grounds a safe and great place to play bowls.

“We are a very friendly club and I thank all our members for their hard work.”

The club is always on the look-out for new members. There are club nights on Monday and Thursday evenings at which coaching is available to new players. If interested call Colin Summerhayes on 01483 575948.

The other carpet bedding display in Guildford's Castle Grounds.

The other carpet bedding display in Guildford’s Castle Grounds.

The Castle Grounds has another carpet bedding display. This summer it features a design by the head gardener David Black and informs visitors that the grounds are a “bee friendly park”.

Click here for the Castle Green Bowling Club’s website.

Click here for previous story on The Guildford Dragon NEWS about the history of bowls in the Castle Grounds, and also click here for an update.

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