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Bramley Residents Question How Far Petrol Contamination Has Spread

Published on: 4 Jun, 2024
Updated on: 4 Jun, 2024

The multi-agency meeting underway this morning. In the background the cordoned off area has been extended to allow further water pipe replacement work and Station Road next to the petrol station has been closed.

By Martin Giles

A multi-agency on site meeting was held this morning in Bramley to co-ordinate work to deal with petrol contamination of the ground surrounding the petrol station, contamination which has permeated plastic water mains making water unsafe to drink.

Agencies seen to be represented were: SCC Trading Standards (the petroleum enforcement authority for Surrey), Thames Water, Surrey Fire & Rescue and Openreach (broadband network suppliers).

Cllr Austin questioning agency reps at the on-site meeting.

Station Road was also closed this morning as work to replace standard water pipes continues from the petrol station towards Bramley High Street.

As ward councillor for Bramley Jane Austin explains in the following interview, major concerns for residents are how far does the contamination extend, how long will it take for the remedial work to be completed and when will those in the village have their faith in the safety of their water supply restored? Please listen…

In the longer term, with two site owners and numerous agencies involved, attributing legal responsibility for the situation is likely to be complicated and is likely to have to be settled by lawyers.

See also: Gold Commander Being Appointed to Manage Bramley Fuel Leak Incident

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Responses to Bramley Residents Question How Far Petrol Contamination Has Spread

  1. Anna Windebank Reply

    June 5, 2024 at 12:23 pm

    What I’d like to know is: if the issues with leakage at the petrol station have been going on since 2016 just how long have Bramley’s residents been drinking water laced with hydrocarbons?

    If the leaking has been going on for at least eight years, it seems unlikely that the poisoning of the water supply has only just happened.

    Who will give us a truthful answer to this question?

  2. Marion Gooding Reply

    June 5, 2024 at 8:14 pm

    We have phoned and emailed the environment agency three or four times over the past year to report the pollution in the stream that runs through the village so why is Thames Water only doing something now? Don’t these organisations communicate with each other?

  3. Ramsey Nagaty Reply

    June 8, 2024 at 11:32 am

    Is there a plan to health screen Bramley resident?

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