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Burglar who Rammed Police Cars Sentenced to Three Years in Prison

Published on: 25 Mar, 2022
Updated on: 26 Mar, 2022

James O’Neill

A burglar who rammed police vehicles and was pursued in a police chase on the A3 has been sentenced to three years in prison after he pleaded guilty to two counts of burglary and multiple driving offences.

James O’Neill, 27, of Chepstow Close, Putney has was seen by officers driving a stolen silver Mercedes on January 3, 2022 and when they attempted to stop him O’Neill rammed two police vehicles.

Officers then pursued O’Neill’s vehicle as he drove dangerously along the A3, north of Junction 10 of the M25. On reaching an area with heavy traffic, O’Neill got out of the vehicle and fled on foot but was quickly detained and arrested by officers from Surrey Police and The Metropolitan Police.

After his arrest, O’Neill was also forensically linked to two burglaries, one in Bramley and one in Guildford, in July 2021.

O’Neill appeared at Guildford Crown Court on March 15 2022 after he pleaded guilty to the following offences:

  • Dangerous driving
  • Failure to stop
  • Fail to provide a specimen for drug analysis
  • Two counts of residential burglary

O’Neill was sentenced to three years in prison and received a four and a half year driving ban.

PC Nick Swann from the Roads Policing Unit said: “O’Neill showed a complete disregard for the safety of the public when he attempted to flee from officers.

“Thanks to the close working relationship between Surrey Police’s Operations Command Units and The Metropolitan Police we managed to apprehend O’Neill and hold him to account for his dangerous driving and prior burglary offences.”

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