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Campaign Group Accuses Council Leader of Failing to Explain Rejection of Public Opinion

Published on: 30 Jun, 2017
Updated on: 5 Jul, 2017

Cllr Paul Spooner.

The leader of Guildford Borough Council, Paul Spooner (Con, Ash South & Tongham) is accused of ignoring written requests to explain his rejection of public opinion in the Local Plan process by the Wisley Action Group.

In an emailed letter to Cllr Spooner dated June 7, local campaigners, the Wisley Action Group (WAG), pointed out that responses to both the 2014 and 2016 Local Plan consultations indicated that the public had clearly opted to protect Guildford’s green belt.

Group spokesman Anthony Edwards said: “An overview of around 20,000 public responses to the 2014 Local Plan consultation and over 30,000 responses to the revised 2016 version clearly indicates that the overwhelming public plea has been to safeguard the borough’s green belt.

Tony Edwards, Wisley Action Group spokesman.

In a letter to Cllr Spooner he asked: “Would you be so kind, therefore, as to explain your apparent rejection of local public opinion and the on-going plea from residents to protect the green belt”.

WAG, which campaigns to protect green belt, agricultural land at ‘Three Farms Meadows’, the former Wisley airfield, claimed that while Guildford Borough Council’s planning committee unanimously rejected proposals for a “new town” on the site, Cllr Spooner continued to personally promote the concept through the Local Plan process.

Cllr Spooner responded to Edwards on June 9:

Dear Tony,

I look forward to seeing the WAG submission for the consultation that is live now based on changes to the plan.

Best regards


Seeking a response to the question posed in his letter, Edwards sent four further requests the following week but received no answer.

Edwards said: “The emerging draft Local Plan continues to spotlight major developments in the green belt, in opposition to public opinion and Green Belt safeguards promised in both the 2015 and 2017 Conservative Party manifestos.

“A request to Cllr Spooner to clarify his attitude to public opinion should, we would have hoped, at least warrant the courtesy of a response.”

Yesterday, June 29 (2017), in response to an enquiry from The Guildford Dragon NEWS a GBC spokesperson said: “Cllr Spooner did respond to Mr Edward’s email letter from WAG. He sent a short reply directly to him on 9 June. In the same way that he has responded to similar questions in the past.

“Regarding WAG’s view and comment about ‘rejection of public opinion’, we made a number of significant changes to the plan and proposed sites, as well as updating the supporting evidence and policies, after reviewing the comments from last year’s consultation.

“This continued the ‘brownfield first’ policy of proposing sites with past development, minimising development in green belt, protecting our Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) and some of the changes increase the number of homes in the town centre with reduced or removed housing sites in rural areas and green belt.

“Our current consultation gives the public, partners and organisations such as WAG another opportunity to give us their comments about the changes to the latest version of the Local Plan. We look forward to receiving everyone’s feedback to help balance community needs and tackle local issues across our borough”

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Responses to Campaign Group Accuses Council Leader of Failing to Explain Rejection of Public Opinion

  1. John Perkins Reply

    July 1, 2017 at 10:38 am

    Whilst true that Cllr. Spooner did respond to Mr. Edwards’s request, he did not provide anything that could be thought of as an actual answer. The reply was the equivalent of “I hear what you’re saying”, which actually means “… but I disagree completely and am not going to give it any consideration”.

  2. Tony Edwards Reply

    July 1, 2017 at 12:08 pm

    I suspect I would not be alone in regarding Cllr Spooner’s reply – “I look forward to seeing the WAG submission for the consultation” – as somewhat short of a reasoned response to a relatively straightforward question and lacking in the openness and clarity to which we all aspire.

    Perhaps, therefore, Cllr Spooner might like to take the opportunity to respond to WAG’s question in these columns?

    For the avoidance of doubt may I confirm that the question was posed in the light of the weight of opinion towards preserving the Green Belt highlighted in both the 2014 and 2016 Local Plan consultations and asked; “Would you be so kind, therefore, as to explain your apparent rejection of local opinion and the on-going plea from residents to protect the Green Belt?”

  3. Alan Robertson Reply

    July 4, 2017 at 11:30 am

    Mr Spooner is not an asset to Guildford, we need an honest, independent candidate, with integrity, to stand against him when he next stands for re-election.

    Guildford Borough Council is still locked into its legacy of arrogance and riding rough shod over its electorate. We must oppose Cllr Spooner and those of similar mindset to ensure that honest, transparent decisions are made in future. His outmoded attitude has no place in a modern democracy.

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