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Cannabis Factory Discovered in Shalford

Published on: 6 Jun, 2013
Updated on: 6 Jun, 2013
Cannabis plants found in another police operation

Cannabis plants found in another police operation

A drugs raid yesterday (Wednesday, June 5) uncovered another cannabis factory in the area of Shalford village, Guildford. In January this year a factory was discovered in Chilworth, just a mile away.

Officers from the Uniformed Proactive Team executed a warrant under the Misuse of Drugs Act at a semi-detached property in the area and discovered more than 500 plants being grown in rooms both upstairs and downstairs. Investigations revealed light and ventilation systems at the address.

Following the intelligence led search operation a 16-year-old Vietnamese girl was arrested at the location on suspicion of being involved in the cultivation of cannabis and is currently on bail until 27 July 2013.

A Police statement read: “Surrey Police is continuing to crackdown on the supply and use of illegal drugs in the county.”

Neighbourhood Officer PC Ryan Stephens said: “Cultivation of cannabis is a criminal offence and this is an important discovery which will disrupt the supply of this illegal drug which blights our neighbourhoods.

“The supply of cannabis is something that we treat very seriously indeed and any offenders will be robustly dealt with by Surrey Police. Drug misuse is a community problem and it is important that anyone with information or suspicions about drugs in their area contacts us so we can take action.

“Yesterday’s intelligence led activity will directly impact upon the organised drug network across the borough.”

PC Stephens also appealed to landlords who own residential properties in the Guildford area to be on their guard. He said: “Many of the drugs warrants we carry out are at rented properties and the landlord often has no idea of what’s going on. In some cases the property has sustained thousands of pounds worth of damage during the installation of equipment used to cultivate and store drugs.

“The first that the landlord hears of it is when we call, by which time they are left facing a huge bill and a property in appalling condition. If you do own a property, please carry out regular inspections and if you do suspect that illegal activity is taking place, please do not hesitate to contact Surrey Police.”

Surrey police advise that there are a number of things that the public and landlords can look out for if they suspect that cannabis is being cultivated at an address:

  • Do you let a house or flat and the locks have been changed?
  • Is there a strange herbal smell in the air all the time?
  • Are any shared walls hot to the touch?
  • Do you know a house where the windows are always closed and the curtains drawn no matter what the weather?
  • Are there extractor fans or air conditioning units on external walls that have recently been installed?

Surrey policeIf you suspect a premises is being used for cultivation of cannabis or you know of any other drugs activity you can call Surrey Police on 101 or call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

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