Fringe Box



Castle Green Bowling Club Latest Report

Published on: 16 Jun, 2016
Updated on: 16 Jun, 2016

By Colin Summerhayes

Sunday June 5, on a bright sunny afternoon fortune was with us and we managed to beat Milford, a much bigger club, by 19 points: 81-62. Mind you, last year we beat them by 40 points! But even so it was good going. Well done!

Results per rink:
Jill Bird (skip), Derek Redgwell, Mary Frith: 20-11.
Brian West (skip), Peter Smith, Mary Redgwell and Dorothy Newman (50% each): 10-28.
Rob Williams (skip), Diana Summerhayes, Tim Sampson: 19-16.
Colin Summerhayes (skip), Lynn Smith, John Phillips: 32-7.

On Saturday, June 11, we played away at East Horsley. It was a very friendly game, and our two new players enjoyed their introduction to inter-club competition.

Jill Bird (skip), John Phillips, Peter Secrett: 5-26.
Diana Summerhayes (skip), David Taylor, Sue Secrett: 16-16.
Hazel Tappenden (skip), Julie Hinde, Nick Hinde: 17-15.

The score was not bad as far as rinks go – one win, one loss and one draw. But the overall score was a loss by 38-57, rather worse than last year when we lost there by just 7.

Castle Green captain Diana Summerhayes, presenting the Millennium Trophy to Astolat captain Alan Rice on June 12.

Castle Green captain Diana Summerhayes, presenting the Millennium Trophy to Astolat captain Alan Rice on June 12.

On Sunday, June 12, we played our arch rivals Astolat, at home, for the Millennium Trophy.

As usual it was a very friendly game, although the weather was not all that nice – very cloudy, warm and muggy, with occasional sprinkles of rain.

Castle Green and Astolat players on the green, June 12.

Castle Green and Astolat players on the green, June 12.

Astolat won by 94-56 (+38); last year we beat them by +21. We have won 11 times out of the past 16 times played, so we are still ahead on balance.

Results per rink:
Jill Bird (skip), Peter Smith, Colin Downham, Nick Hinde: 13-25 (-12).
Brian West (skip), Derek Redgwell, AnnLewis, John Phillips: 17-16 (+1).
Hazel Tappenden (skip), Diana Summerhayes, Mary Redgwell, Tim Sampson: 15-23 (-8).
Colin Summerhayes (skip), Lynn Smith, Julie Hinde, Dorothy newman: 11-30 (-19).

Pity we only won on one rink. But perhaps that reflects our loss this year due to several of our star players unavailable due to a combination of health problems or vacations. Like any sports club, our performance overall can be hit by injuries.

On Tuesday, June 7,  Castle Green lost their Mens’ Tuesday Triples game against Woodbridge Hill by just 3 points; losing on one rink (Rob Williams (skip), John Reeves and John Phillips) and winning on the other (Colin Summerhayes (skip), David Taylor, Nick Hinde).

Alliots staffers playing with Castle Green assisters, June 15.

Alliots staffers playing with Castle Green assisters, June 15.

Fran Webster (left), Colin Summerhayes and Hazel Tappenden (right) following successful organiaation of the Alliots evening on the  green  at Castle Green Bowling Club.

Fran Webster (left), Colin Summerhayes and Hazel Tappenden (right) following successful organiaation of the Alliots evening on the  green  at Castle Green Bowling Club.

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