Fringe Box



Castle Green Bowling Club’s Latest Results

Published on: 3 Jun, 2016
Updated on: 3 Jun, 2016

By Colin Summerhayes

On Tuesday, May 24, Castle Green senior men’s team in the Guildford-Woking Tuesday Triples League lost to Ewhurst Bowling Club (away) by 28 shots to 40.

Rob Williams (skip) John Reeves, Nick Hinde: 16-20.
Colin Summerhayes (skip) Brian West, John Phillips: 12-20.

On Wednesday, May 25, Castle Green lost its friendly game verses Puttenhman and Wanborough by just one point: 46-47. That was a distinct improvement on last year, when we lost by 30 points – a sort of victory! We were way behind at half time (nine ends), when CGBC held 15 against the opposition’s 31. What a comeback to lose by just 1. Well played team.

Individual rinks scores:
P Smith (skip), F Webster, C Downham: 26-8.
C Summerhayes (skip), D Taylor, T Sampson: 10-19.
J Bird (skip & mid-week capt.), L Smith, J Phillips: 10-20.

On Saturday, May 28, Shirley West captained Castle Green against Westfield, away. We won on one rink, and lost on three 3, for a total of 58 to 82, a loss by -24. If you divide the scores by 20 you get a soccer score of Castle Green 3, Westfield 4 (which looks quite creditable).

R Williams (skip), P Smith, M Redgwell: 21-20.
P Plummer (skip), M Plummer, J Phillips: 14-19.
S West (skip), D Redgwell, P Andrew: 12-21.
B West (skip), L Smith, T Sampson: 11-22.

Castle Green captain Diana Summerhayes (far left) with the winners of the John Frith Memorial Trophy on Sunday, May 28. From left: Dennis Hirst-Marsden, Rob Helliwell, and Fran Webster.

Castle Green captain Diana Summerhayes (far left) with the winners of the John Frith Memorial Trophy on Sunday, May 28. From left: Dennis Hirst-Marsden, Rob Helliwell, and Fran Webster.

On Sunday, May 29, Castle Green celebrated the John Frith Memorial game at home, with fine weather.

The president laid a bouquet of flowers on the spot where John’s ashes are buried in the side of the green. Mary Frith donated a bottle for the spider, with the sum of the £1 spider fees going to the Bowls England charity for partially sighted bowlers. Mary also provided a slap-up meal. We welcomed three novice players: A Al-Anzy, and S and P Secrett, who performed very well.

F Webster (skip) and A Bailey beat D Summerhayes (skip) and S Roberts on rink 4 by 9 points to 5, in 12 ends. Ann then retired, so Sofia and Fran transferred to rink 1, taking half of their scores with them.
P Andrew (skip), N Hinde, and T Sampson beat H Tappenden (skip), C Downham, and L Briggs on rink 3 by 25-19.
B West (skip), A Lewis, and P Secrett (first game), beat C Summerhayes (skip), D Newman, and A Al-Anzy (first game) on rink 2, by 19-13.
R Helliwell (skip), F Webster (from rink 4), and D Hirst-Marsden beat J Hinde(skip), S Roberts (from rink 4) and S Secrett (first game) on rink 1, by 28-16 (incorporating half points from the game on rink 1).

Rob’s team won the trophy of the day, and Colin’s team won the wooden spoon. It was a good day for the club’s coffers.

On a very rainy Tuesday, May 31, Castle Green’s senior men’s team in the Guildford-Woking Tuesday Triples League lost to Astolat Bowling Club (at home) by 23 shots to 39.

A short downpour led to a break for tea and biscuits after just 5 ends, but thereafter we managed to play through a succession of dry spells and drizzly rain. Not nice at all, though the green played well.

R Williams (skip) P Plummer, R Helliwell: 12-17.
C Summerhayes (skip) B West, P Smith: 11-22.

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