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Dragon Interview: Guida Esteves, the New GGG Borough Councillor for Send

Guida Esteves is the new borough councillor for Send having retained the seat in the by-election held on May 6, made necessary by the death of Patrick Sheard. In her…

Dragon Interview: Paul Follows, Leader of Waverley Borough Council

Paul Follows, the new Lib Dem leader of Waverley Borough Council, recently wrote to The Dragon cautioning against Guildford Borough Council too eagerly seeking a review of the Local Plan.…

Dragon Interview: Sam Peters, Green Party

Controversy surrounded the result of the county council Shere division election but Sam Peters the Green Party candidate remains adamant that standing was the correct decision for his party. Dragon…

Dragon Interview: Sue Hackman, Guildford Labour Party

Was the local Labour party pleased or disappointed with Labour’s results in the recent county council election and is there is any point in voting Labour in Guildford or Surrey?…

Dragon Interview: Local MPs Give Their Views on Guildford’s Plan and Its Impact on Election Fortunes

Guildford’s Local Plan did influence the outcome of the county council elections that cost the Conservatives four seats, hanging on to Shere by only a slim margin, political leaders agree.…

Dragon Interview: GGG Leader, Ramsey Nagaty

We interview the leader of the Guildford Greenbelt Group (GGG), Ramsey Nagaty about his view of the SCC election. GGG narrowly missed out on a seat when they fell 78…

The Dragon Post Election Debate

The voting is over but there is plenty to chew over and digest. Did our first past the post system deliver a fair democratic result? (See pie charts below.) See…

Dragon Interview: Vinnie Conquest – Kill the Bill March Organiser

The “Kill the Bill” protest march on Saturday certainly made its presence felt in Guildford town centre full of shoppers enjoying the good weather. But some were shocked to hear…

Election Debate: The Dragon Asks SCC Candidates ‘What Are You Offering Guildford?’

What will decide your vote on May 6? Do you even know what is at stake? As part our coverage of the Surrey County Council elections, we invited all parties…

Dragon Interview: Joanna Read, Yvonne Arnaud’s CEO Tells Us What Has Been Going On

It is a precarious time for all entertainment venues. Bills still have to be paid and buildings maintained, even though they are unable to make money from paying audiences. But…