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Opinion: It’s Time for Some Honesty and Openness

By Brian Creese Former Guildford Labour chair I was delivering Labour leaflets on Slyfield yesterday when I came across a chap standing outside his door surveying the rain. “Don’t bother…

Opinion: The Guildford Society’s View of How the Local Plan Update Should Be Conducted

The Guildford Dragon invited the public speakers at February’s borough council meeting, held to decide on the update of Guildford’s Local Plan, to write articles explaining their views… By Alistair…

The Dragon Says: When Will Our Councillors “Walk the Walk” On Openness?

The sale of a strip of land to those wishing to develop a controversial green belt site should not have been delegated to a council officer, however capable. See also:…

Opinion: Surrey Residents’ Increasing Burden of Police Funding Is a Stealth Tax

By Alex Coley member of the Surrey Police & Crime Panel and Epsom & Ewell borough councillor (Res Assoc, Ruxley) Did you know that Surrey is the only police area…

Opinion: An Update of the Local Plan Requires Vision, Leadership and a New Spatial Strategy

The Guildford Dragon invited the public speakers at February’s borough council meeting, held to decide on the update of Guildford’s Local Plan, to write articles explaining their views… By Julia…

Opinion: Have You Received Your Council Tax Bill? – Lessons from Austerity and Beyond

By Bernard Quoroll Former local authority CEO and former “independent person” at GBC In this opinion piece, Bernard Quoroll uses his extensive experience to give an insight into the financial…

Opinion: Why Guildford Needs Heights Control Policies

By Nic Allen The Guildford Society We can now see the reality of the Solum Guildford Station redevelopment and the inappropriateness of high buildings in Guildford Centre. The first part…

The Worplesdon Witness February 2024

Jan Messinger with her round up of news from the parish of Worplesdon. Time for a spot of decorating at the Sime Gallery Following the success of the Sime Gallery’s…

Opinion: Conflict on the King’s Highway

By Terry Newman a personal view from chair of the London Road Action Group The media (social, print and online) make frequent references to conflicts between motorists and cyclists, motorists…

Opinion: The Lib Dem Budget for Guildford – Just Not Good Enough

By Philip Brooker Leader of the Conservative Group at Guildford Borough Council and borough councillor for Worplesdon At the budget meeting this coming Wednesday, Guildford Liberal Democrats will force through…