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Buses Galore At Brooklands Museum

By Bob McShee I can remember when living in London in the 1950s, waiting for a bus and having to wait for a long time, then when one came along…

Guildford Snippets – Do You Know? No3

Guildford Snippets – Do You Know? No3

By Nick Bale, Guildford Town Guides Guildford’s town centre was crowded with pubs and inns in centuries past. This week’s quirky question is about one of them. These questions are…

Where Is This? No.289

By David Rose The vintage view seen in the previous post was looking down Haydon Place from North Street. Well done to all who replied with the correct answer. The…

Guildford Snippets – Do You Know? No.2

By Nick Bale, Guildford Town Guides Guildford’s past is a treasure trove of curiosities. Each week, during the spring and summer, I will ask a quirky question as a fun…

Guildford Snippets – Do You Know? No.1

By Nick Bale, Guildford Town Guides As town guides, we often come across intriguing snippets about Guildford people and places. These curious facts are a fun way to test your…

Book Review: Their Day Has Passed – Gypsies In Victorian And Edwardian Surrey

By David Rose Back in the 1910s certain Surrey landowners were putting pressure on the Chief Constable to instruct his officers to remove Gypsy-travellers from their land. But he was…

History Talk At The Keep Pub Takes ‘A Walk’ Over Perry Hill, Worplesdon

Local historian David Rose and rambling railwayman historian Geoff Burch are teaming up to give an illustrated talk at the Keep pub, Castle Street, on Monday, April 30. The title…

Where Is This? No.288

Where Is This? No.288

By David Rose Apologies for the delay in adding a new post – things have been rather busy of late. However, in response to the previous one there were six…

Milestones In Rock ‘n’ Roll History: House Of The Rising Sun

In the second of our new series of feature articles on Milestones in Rock ‘n’ Roll History, former Guildford journalist Dave Reading relates the background to a song that was…

Notice: Go Along And Share Your Memories At Latest Bellfields Remembered Afternoon

The Bellfields Remembered local history and community project is hosting another afternoon for people to see a presentation of vintage photos and also share their memories if they wish. It…