Local historian David Rose and rambling railwayman historian Geoff Burch are teaming up to give an illustrated talk at the Keep pub, Castle Street, on Monday, April 30.
The title is: A Walk Over Perry Hill. Starting on the A322 Worplesdon Road to the south of Perry Hill, the talk follows the road up over the hill and down the other side to Fox Corner.
David Rose said: “Geoff and I gave this talk at the recent annual meeting of Worplesdon Parish Council and it went down well. Ben Darnton of Ben’s Collectors Records has now asked us to give it as one of the regular talks he and the pub organise through his Facebook page Guildford Past & Present.
“We will be featuring vintage photos of buildings and people of that part of Worplesdon where Geoff has lived all his life.
“Many of the pictures we will be showing are rarely seen, some from Geoff’s own family albums and some from my collection.
Geoff knows a great deal about the history of the area, while I will be chipping in with details that I have gathered over the years!
Entry is free and the talk will start at about 7.30pm. It will take place in a relaxed setting with the audience invited to comment throughout. There will be a couple of intervals for people to replenish their glasses.
A glass will be passed around for people to show their appreciation for David and Geoff for what promises to be an entertaining and fascinating evening.
This website is published by The Guildford Dragon NEWS
Contact: Martin Giles mgilesdragon@gmail.com
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Ben Darnton
May 1, 2018 at 11:21 pm
Thanks to David Rose and Geoff Burch for an excellent talk and to the Keep pub for their kind hospitality.
The next local history talk at the Keep is Tunsgate – A century of change, with Nick Bale of the Friends of Guildford Museum on Monday, May 14, from 7.30pm, all are welcome.
[David Rose replies: Thanks Ben for you and the Keep having us! It truly was a great evening.]
Ruth Drysdale
September 5, 2018 at 8:25 am
I went to this talk but didn’t get a very good view of the screen. There was mention of it being repeated in the Worplesdon Memorial Hall in September but I have not been able to find any information about this. Is it still a possibility?
Alex Marsh
January 8, 2019 at 5:54 pm
I moved to Worplesdon just over two years ago. I’m really interested in its history, the buildings and the past families whose lives in the area fascinates me.
I would love to listen to David and Geoff talking about the history and see some slides. Will they be doing any more dates?
[David Rose replies: Yes, Geoff and I will again be giving the talk A Walk Over Perry Hill, on Sunday, March 3, at Worplesdon Memorial Hall, at 3pm. Stephen Cranston will also give a presentation about artist Sidney Sime, whose work is housed in the gallery there. Small admission charge, I believe.]