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Class A Recipe Results in Jail Time – Guildford Man Gets 7½ Years

Published on: 7 Feb, 2024
Updated on: 9 Feb, 2024

Four drug dealers including a Guildford man have been sentenced to a combined 16 and a half years in prison after police officers caught them red-handed, mixing cocaine.

On Friday, February 2, at Guildford Crown Court, they were sentenced for conspiracy to supply class A drugs:

Alan De Leslie

  • Ring leader Alan De Leslie, 45, believed to be from the Boxgrove Road area of Guildford, was sentenced to seven-and-a-half-years in prison;
  • Steven Newark, 45, of Farnborough, was sentenced to six-years;
  • Tyrone Buggy, 25, of Kingston-upon-Thames, was sentenced to three-years.

A boy from Merton, who was 17 at the time of the offences, pleaded not guilty but was subsequently found guilty by a jury at trial. He received an 18-month youth rehabilitation order.

The investigation first began back in February 2023 after officers executed a warrant at a premises on Chessington Business Centre and discovered Newark, De Leslie and the 17-year-old boy in the act of preparing a large quantity of cocaine in a specialized press.

All three were arrested on suspicion of being concerned in the supply of class A drugs and brought in for questioning. Whilst officers were at the premises, Buggy unwittingly appeared on site and was also arrested.

Steven Newark (left) and Tyrone Buggy

Whilst investigating, officers established that De Leslie and Newark had been using the office for a separate legitimate business and therefore felt it would be the perfect cover for their illegal activities.

Upon seizure and search of the four defendants’ mobile devices, multiple messages describing the supply of drugs were uncovered and submitted as evidence. The seized drugs were estimated to have a street value of approximately £17,000.

Investigating officer Detective Sergeant Philip Potter said; “This was a complex investigation into a large-scale operation to supply cocaine into Surrey. Despite attempting to attribute the planning of the criminal activities solely on Buggy, De Leslie was established as the main perpetrator of the drug outfit and it is only right that he received the longest sentence.

“Drugs are a scourge on the community, and we will not tolerate this in our county.

“If you believe someone is involved in drug-dealing, please let us know. Your information is crucial in enabling us to build a comprehensive intelligence picture and to disrupt criminal activities.”

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Responses to Class A Recipe Results in Jail Time – Guildford Man Gets 7½ Years

  1. N Kearse Reply

    February 9, 2024 at 9:41 am

    Why were police officers mixing cocaine? Or did you mean “Four drug dealers including a Guildford man have been sentenced to a combined 16 and a half years in prison after being caught red-handed mixing cocaine by officers.”

    I only joke so no offence intended and it could be written either way, to be fair, but I did find it amusing as I could picture it in my mind.

    N Kearse is a former Conservative borough councillor.

    Editor’s response: Thank you for pointing this out, especially in the understanding way you have. The report has now been adjusted for clarity.

    • N Kearse Reply

      February 9, 2024 at 11:40 am

      Keep up the good work. Always an interesting read.

      Editor’s response: thank you, such comments always appreciated.

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