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Class of ’61 School Friends Just Keep On Meeting Up!

Published on: 18 Sep, 2021
Updated on: 18 Sep, 2021

Pupils who attended Guildford’s Pewley School from 1956 to 1960, and then George Abbot School in 1961, have enjoyed another reunion.

The class of ’61, former pupils of Pewley School and then George Abbot School, at their 2021 reunion.

They met earlier this week (Thursday, September 16) at the Manor Inn at Farncombe.

Past pupil Sheila Atkinson, who has attended the reunions, said: “When Pewley School closed we spent our last year at George Abbot School.

Above and below, the pupils as they were.

“Our headmaster was Mr Raynham and the deputy was Miss Powell. When we joined George Abbot the girls’ school wasn’t finished, so we remained co-ed all through our school years.

The 1990 reunion.

“Our first reunion was at the Stoke Hotel in Guildford in 1990.

The 1992 reunion.

By 1992 we had managed to contact more of our classmates and met up at the Clavadel Hotel.

“In 1995 we held the reunion in the main hall at George Abbot School to celebrate our 50th birthdays.

The 2005 reunion.

“In 2005 we celebrated our 60th birthdays at the hotel at Newlands Corner. There have been many other reunions, several at the Worplesdon Place Hotel, and in later years we moved over to the Manor Inn at Farncombe.”

Sheila has kindly supplied all the photos here.

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Responses to Class of ’61 School Friends Just Keep On Meeting Up!

  1. Sheila Atkinson Reply

    September 18, 2021 at 12:38 pm

    Sadly six of our class have passed away and three have illnesses that prevent them from attending the later re-unions.

    We were fortunate to have made such good friends and remained close despite the passing years.

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