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Combined Charities Fair, Guildford Guildhall, Saturday, April 16

Published on: 1 Apr, 2016
Updated on: 1 Apr, 2016

Seventeen charities will be offering support and to raise awareness of their causes all under one roof in Guildford’s Guildhall in the High Street on Saturday, April 16.

The combined cahrities fair takes place at the Guildhall in Guildford High Street on Saturday, April 16, from 10am to 3pm. All welcome.

The combined charities fair takes place at the Guildhall in Guildford High Street on Saturday, April 16, from 10am to 3pm. All welcome.

There will be the chance to talk to the participating charities and find out about volunteering opportunites and maybe pick up some bargains too.

The event runs from 10am and 3pm and the organisers say: “Visitors are welcome to come and support local charities and have a cup of tea or coffee. It is also a chance to see inside this historic building, which can be described as the true heart of Guildford.”

There is no admission charge but donations are most welcome. The event is held by kind permission of the Mayor of Guildford, Nikki Nelson-Smith.

Among the charities participating are the National Eczema Society, Alzheimer’s Society, Catalyst, Cri, FurnitureLink, Guildford Samaritians, Marie Curie Cancer Care, Motor Neurone Disease Association, Naomi House Rape and Sexual Abuse Support Centre, Surrey Care Trust, Surrey Community Action, Surrey Drug and Alcohol Care and Woking and Sam Beare Hospice.

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Responses to Combined Charities Fair, Guildford Guildhall, Saturday, April 16

  1. Pete Brayne Reply

    April 1, 2016 at 8:25 am

    What, no YMCA? It is one of the oldest Guildford charities.

  2. Julie Dovey Reply

    April 1, 2016 at 3:26 pm

    Oh, no wheelchair access?

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