Fringe Box



Come to The Dragon’s Question Time Hustings

Published on: 29 May, 2024
Updated on: 1 Jun, 2024

The panel will comprise of those currently known to be standing in Guildford and Graham Drage, the Reform UK candidate for Godalming & Ash who has kindly agreed to substitute for Guildford’s Reform UK candidate Dennis Saunders (unavoidably committed to a prior appointment).

A Question Time style hustings event will be held by The Guildford Dragon NEWS on Thursday, June 6.

“The Dragon’s General Election Hustings” will start at 7pm, with the first question being posed at 7.30pm. It will be held in Guildford United Reformed Church, on the A3100 Portsmouth Road. Seating will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.

Martin Giles

The panel of candidates will be chaired by Dragon editor Martin Giles.

Modelled on the BBC’s Question Time format, the audience will be asked, when they arrive, to write down their question before the panel convenes.

Questions for the panellists will be selected from those submitted. The event will end at 9pm. A vigorous but civilised debate is expected.

Questions are expected on a range of national topics and their local impact.

Surrey seats have become marginal under the current political climate and the General Election on July 4 could change significantly the political map of the county.

If you want to pose a question, please come and help make this a lively debate and meet the candidates face-to-face.

If there are any other candidates intending to stand in Guildford they are asked to contact the Guildford Dragon news as soon as possible at:

The United Reformed Church on Portsmouth Road.

Map showing location of the URCH Apple Maps


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Responses to Come to The Dragon’s Question Time Hustings

  1. Jeremy Holt Reply

    May 30, 2024 at 9:39 am

    I do hope that the audience’s questions and the panellists’ responses will form the major part of these hustings.

    In the similar event for the GBC elections more than half the time was taken up by the chairman pursuing a single matter and interrogating the panellists.

  2. David Pillinger Reply

    June 6, 2024 at 5:11 pm

    Can’t make it tonight but I hope there is a chance for another hustings before 4 July. Would love to know.

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