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Competition Sees Guildford College Make-Up Students Shine

Published on: 14 Mar, 2024
Updated on: 16 Mar, 2024

Guildford College’s media make-up students have again proven their talent and dedication at the renowned annual Professional Beauty Make-Up Competition, hosted by Warpaint magazine.

The event, held at London’s ExCel Centre, saw the emergence of exceptional skills from budding artists, with Guildford College students claiming top accolades.

Poppy Dickinson’s Vivienne Westwood-inspired make-up design.

Level 3 student Poppy Dickinson seized the spotlight by clinching the first position in the fiercely competitive student category. Joining her on the winner’s podium was Level 2 student Chloe Bull, who secured an impressive third place in her debut external make-up competition.

The competition’s Catwalk theme, inspired by the iconic Vivienne Westwood, demanded participants to encapsulate the designer’s avant-garde style. Entrants were tasked with blending nails, hair, and make-up to exude the fearless essence synonymous with Westwood’s runway creations.

Reflecting on her triumph, Poppy Dickinson said “Winning first place has truly ignited my passion to pursue more competitions in the future. The Vivienne Westwood theme allowed me to unleash my creativity, which is the essence of what I adore about make-up.”

Chloe Bull and her model at the competition.

Chloe Bull, said: “I thoroughly enjoyed the journey leading up to the competition, experimenting with various techniques under the guidance of my tutor, Jaceyann. The Vivienne Westwood theme pushed me beyond my boundaries, and clinching third place among such talented competitors makes me very proud.”

Jaceyann Smith, the media make-up tutor at Guildford College, added: “The students exhibited extraordinary diligence, dedicating extra hours for one-on-one coaching to refine their looks.

“They put in 100% knowing it was such a prestigious competition within the make-up industry. I am so proud of them both and to come first and third is an amazing achievement and testament to their hard work and dedication.”

Both Poppy and Chloe have been invited to partake in valuable work experience as make-up artists at an upcoming magazine shoot, led by fashion photographer Mark Francke.

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