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Conservative Candidate Wins Surrey PCC Election

Published on: 6 May, 2016
Updated on: 8 May, 2016

Surrey PCCConservative Party candidate, David Munro, was today (May 5) declared the winner in the 2016 election for Police and Crime Commissioner for Surrey.

He was successful in the second round, polling 100,122 votes out of a possible 239,935. The turnout was 28.07 per cent compared to just 16 per cent in 2012.

He will succeed Kevin Hurley (Zero Tolerance ex-Police Chief party), who has been the Police and Crime Commissioner for Surrey since the role was created in 2012. Mr Hurley received 57,681 votes. Mr Munro will take up the post from 12 May and will remain in the role until the next election in 2020.

David Munro said:  “I am delighted in the confidence shown me by Surrey residents, and promise to serve them to the best of my ability for the next four years. I am particularly looking forward to working with the Chief Constable and all ranks and staff of Surrey Police in our joint enterprise of serving everyone in Surrey.”

Kevin Hurley, outgoing Police and Crime Commissioner, said: “In my day as a police officer, we used to say ‘the public gets the police force they deserve’, and in this case, they will get the police force with the budget that they voted for.”

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Responses to Conservative Candidate Wins Surrey PCC Election

  1. Nick Trier Reply

    May 9, 2016 at 5:30 pm

    It is an appalling waste of money that these elections are held every four years in a year when not every Surrey district would otherwise hold an election.

    Surely the obvious solution is to re-align the PCC election cycle with the county county elections so that we always combine PCC elections with another local election throughout Surrey.

    I dread to think what it cost Guildford Borough Council to hold the elections throughout the borough, with no other elections held except for the Stoke by-election.

  2. George Potter Reply

    May 10, 2016 at 9:09 am

    In fairness, there were already district council elections taking place in Tandridge, Runnymede, Elmbridge, Mole Valley and Woking last week.

    However, Nick Trier is quite right. Moving to have the PCC election concurrent with the county council elections would make much more sense.

    Of course, something that might make even more sense would be to give the PCC’s powers to the county council, which we already elect, and which has reasonably local councillors who we can speak to if we have any concerns about policing.

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