Fringe Box




Published on: 10 Jul, 2015
Updated on: 10 Jul, 2015

Correction 2Whilst checking a quote contained in a reader’s comment it has come to light that our report of the council debate on the need to review its investigative process contained an error.

In the report it was stated that Cllr Mansbridge did not respond to questions from Cllr Searle and the monitoring officer. In fact he did.

Within a response mainly given to Cllr Parker he said: “I talked very specifically about a review of our investigative procedure and that review, to answer Cllr Searle’s question very clearly, will be absolutely open and fully transparent to the public and will aim to address all the issues that have been brought up to date. Is that sufficient for the monitoring officer?”

The report of the debate has been corrected.

We apologise to Cllr Mansbridge and all concerned, including our readers, for the inaccuracy.

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Responses to Correction

  1. Stephen Mansbridge Reply

    July 11, 2015 at 5:26 pm

    Thank you to the editor for making this correction.

    Cllr Mansbridge is the council leader at Guildford Borough Council and is the Conservative borough councillor for Ash South and Tongham ward.

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