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Could You Listen When Someone Needs To Be Heard?

Published on: 18 Aug, 2015
Updated on: 18 Aug, 2015

The Guildford Rape & Sexual Abuse Support Centre (RASASC) is recruiting for new volunteers to join its helpline volunteer team.

rasasconlyEvery year, RASASC answers more than 2,000 calls to its helpline. The helpline is open to anyone affected by rape or sexual abuse, and its female volunteers are trained to listen, support and allow the caller time to talk.

As increasing numbers of people come forward to seek RASASC’s support, volunteers play a crucial role, as Vivien, RASASC’s events and volunteer co-ordinator, explained: “We would not be able to run the level of service that we do without our team of wonderful volunteers,” she said.

“Full training and supervision is provided, so there is no need to be an expert in this field already.

“All we ask is that you are caring, non-judgemental and committed to making a difference.”

The next training course will run throughout October to December on Thursday evenings and three Sundays. It will equip the volunteers with the necessary skills to provide this valuable listening service.

One helpline volunteer described her experiences: “Joining RASASC was stepping into unknown territory. The instant I entered into the training I realised how lucky we helpline volunteers are.

“The training was excellent, and my peer group consisted of people of various ages and experiences. After several years on the Helpline, I realise how essential the line is to callers.”

If you can spare three evenings per month, you will find a detailed role description, application form and further information on becoming a helpline volunteer at or email

The RASASC helpline is open Sunday to Friday (every night except Saturdays and bank holidays), from 7.30pm to 9.30pm. Call 01483 546400 or 0800 0288 022.

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