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Council Announces Next Step On Local Plan Reappraisal

Published on: 1 Apr, 2014
Updated on: 1 Apr, 2014

The reappraisal of Guildford’s Local Plan evidence base will move forward at a joint scrutiny committee meeting of the borough council this Thursday (April 3).

Guildford Borough CouncilCouncillors will consider the findings of a Local Plan scrutiny forum held in March. The council received more than 160 feedback forms from residents, local community groups, developers and businesses.

A council spokesman said: “We anticipate a lot of public interest in the meeting. To help as many people as possible to watch the debate, the meeting will be webcast and we have made extra space available at the council’s offices in Millmead House.

“As well as the usual 100 public seats in the council chamber, there will be room nearby for approximately 60 people to watch the meeting live on a large TV screen.

“Although more people will be able to attend, there could still be limited capacity depending on the demand for seats. We will manage this on the night, on a first come, first served basis to give a fair chance to all who are interested in attending.

“The meeting will start at 7pm. We will broadcast it live on our website at A recording will be available to view on our website after the meeting is held.”

You can view the agenda at

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