Protecting a community garden’s eco hub, celebrating disability art, a decorative Christmas lantern display, and engaging educational tours are four projects currently being supported by Guildford Borough Council.
The council has pledged almost £10,000 to be spread among these four projects who are each raising money as part of the council’s Crowdfund Guildford scheme.
They are:
Community Garden Eco Build Meeting space by Guildford Environmental Forum
Celebrating Disability Art in community by Artventure Trust Ltd.
The halow’s project’s Night of Light – Christmas event
Wanborough Great Barn school tours by Wanborough Barn Committee
The council has allocated £100,000 overall to Crowdfund Guildford and will pledge up to 50% or £5,000 per project to boost a funding target.
The projects must hit their targets to bring their ideas to life. Anybody can get behind the projects, with pledges starting at £2.
The council says” If you want to support the projects, or have your own project idea to put forward, visit
The leader of Guildford Borough Council and Crowdfund Guildford ambassador, Julia McShane.
The leader of Guildford Borough Council and Crowdfund Guildford ambassador, Julia McShane, said: “Community groups are key in building community resilience and wellbeing.
‘That is why it is so inspiring to see community projects getting involved as part of Crowdfund Guildford. We can’t wait to see what the next round of projects will bring.
“I’m also calling on everyone that cares about our communities to join us. Offer your support to these local projects so we can boost the success of locally led campaigns.
“It can be through funding or supporting project campaigns. The more people that get involved, the more inspiring local projects we can create.”
The council operates in Crowdfund Guildford programme in partnership with Spacehive, a funding platform for ideas that bring local civic and community spaces to life. Its vision is a world where anyone can shape their local area to create places that make people happy, proud and prosperous.
This website is published by The Guildford Dragon NEWS
Contact: Martin Giles
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