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County Council Leader Says Water Supply Problems Have Been an ‘Awful Experience for Residents’

Published on: 10 Nov, 2023
Updated on: 10 Nov, 2023

Tim Oliver – leader of Surrey County Council

Tim Oliver, leader of Surrey County Council, has joined other political leaders locally in asking for Thames Water to be held to account.

He says that their response “has not been satisfactory” and that the county council is monitoring the situation.

Cllr Oliver (Con, Webridge ) said: “I am incredibly frustrated and disappointed to hear that after several days without water many of our residents still remain affected by the Thames Water outages.

“We had been reassured that water had been reinstated to all residents earlier in the week but understand this is only now close to being rectified. I fully acknowledge that this has been an awful experience for residents and commit to following up with Thames Water on their response.

“There are a number of care homes, GPs, schools and a hospital in the vicinity of this incident.

“Staff at Surrey County Council along with partners have been working around the clock since last Saturday to prioritise the most vulnerable but the Thames Water response to this incident has not been satisfactory.

“While there will be time for lessons learned and thoroughly investigating any lessons or failings – our top priority right now is to work with partners and Thames Water to get help to those remaining residents impacted by this. We will continue to do all we can to hold Thames Water to account and ensure they deal with this emergency as a matter of the highest urgency. 

“We are monitoring the situation closely with partners to ensure arrangements are in place should disruption continue into the weekend.”

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Responses to County Council Leader Says Water Supply Problems Have Been an ‘Awful Experience for Residents’

  1. Sara Tokunaga Reply

    November 11, 2023 at 2:21 pm

    I have noted that, yet again, Cllr Julia McShane has been deafening us GBC residents with her silence. I am not on Twitter or Facebook, and therefore have not been able to see if there has been any reaction from the Liberal Democrats over this appalling situation.

    Could this be because many of the Lib Dem councillors do not live in the affected (since Thursday, 2 November) areas? Maybe if they had experienced no water or very low pressure over the week they would have been more inclined to establish the true facts from Thames Water and share that information with us.

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