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County Council Leader to Resign This Month

Published on: 9 Nov, 2018
Updated on: 14 Nov, 2018

The leader of Surrey County Council, David Hodge.

David Hodge, the leader of Surrey County Council, has told his Conservative group at County Hall, Kingston, that he intends to resign as council leader on November 23rd, according to corroborated reports received.

Last month Cllr Hodge said, “someone is having you on,” when The Dragon put to him a rumour that he had decided to resign in November.

Already, possible successors are said to be manoeuvring for a replacement leadership election, including, according to one reliable, well-placed source, Matt Furniss the deputy leader at Guildford Borough Council and the county councillor for Shalford.

But one county councillor said she thought it unlikely that Cllr Furniss, the youngest councillor at GBC, who was only elected as a county councillor in 2017, would be able to gather enough support to make a serious bid.

See also: County Council Leader Reacts to Resignation Rumours Saying ‘Someone Is Having You On’

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Responses to County Council Leader to Resign This Month

  1. Alan Cooper Reply

    November 10, 2018 at 2:35 pm

    The first thing to do is halve the huge salaries that David Hodge and his deputy with their assistants have enjoyed. Always lecturing about cuts, why not start there?

  2. Colin Cross Reply

    November 10, 2018 at 9:08 pm

    Having overseen the wholly unnecessary and vindictive closure of Ripley Primary School in September I hope Mr Hodge will not be looking to retire in Lovelace Ward.

    He will not be missed around these parts as he was sadly a leader only in his job title.

    Colin Cross is the Independent borough councillor for Lovelace ward (Ripley, Wisley and Ockham).

  3. Jeff Hills Reply

    November 13, 2018 at 12:24 pm

    He will be gone but not missed, all the money he has wasted in his tenure. I just hope that Cllr Matt Furniss does not replace him.

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