Police were called to an incident where a man and woman had been seen arguing in a silver Audi outside McDonald’s at the bottom of North Street at around 10.20pm on Sunday (November 13).
During the argument, the woman fell out of the car and received injuries to her face. The car drove off on the A281 towards Shamley Green.
A 36-year-old man from Guildford has been arrested on suspicion of causing actual bodily harm and failing to provide a roadside specimen. He has been released on police bail.
The former Jamie’s Italian which is now McDonald’s, at the bottom of North Street. Image – Google Street View
Surrey Police are appealing for witnesses.
A police spokesperson said: “Were you in the area between 10.20pm and 10.30pm and witnessed this incident?
“If you have any information please contact us quoting PR/45220123112 via:
This website is published by The Guildford Dragon NEWS
Contact: Martin Giles mgilesdragon@gmail.com
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