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Dragon Interview: Cllr Masuk Miah Gives a BAME View on Local Race Relations

Published on: 19 Jun, 2020
Updated on: 21 Jun, 2020

Cllr Masuk Miah

How much racism is there in Guildford?

The recent Black Lives Matter demonstration in Guildford was very well attended, especially by the younger section of our community, but what should we take from that about the situation locally?

When Zoe Franklin, the Guildford Lib Dem spokesperson for issues being discussed in parliament, wrote her open letter which stated ‘To Remain Silent is to Remain Complicit’ on the Black Lives Matter campaign, Dragon NEWS requested an interview. She declined but suggested we spoke to her party colleague Masuk Miah a borough councillor for Stoughton.

It seemed a very good idea, who better to give a view than someone from the local BAME community? It is only one view, of course, but one worth hearing and he kindly agreed to open up on the subject.

Cllr Miah has lived in Guildford for over 35 years but has also lived in Birmingham and London so is able to compare the situation here with other places. He has also raised a family here in Guildford so as part of his preparation he asked for their experience and found some surprises…

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