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Dragon Interview – Council Leader Hints Reshuffle Could Come Quickly

Published on: 11 Nov, 2021
Updated on: 15 Nov, 2021

In the second “Round up” interview GBC Council Leader Joss Bigmore covers a wide range of topics in his interview with Dragon editor Martin Giles.

Subjects covered include: the causes and impact of Cllr Harwood’s move to the Conservatives, the differences between the Liberal Democrats and R4GV on planning policy, progress on openness, shared services with Waverley, continuing budget challenges and, finally, Cllr Bigmore answers the question what can a borough council do in the fight against climate change?

Please watch.

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Responses to Dragon Interview – Council Leader Hints Reshuffle Could Come Quickly

  1. David Roberts Reply

    November 12, 2021 at 5:13 pm

    Another excellent Dragon interview.

    Cllr Bigmore anguishes about how to save money and respond to climate change, when the answers are staring him in the face: curb the over-development and traffic congestion ordained in the Tory Local Plan and stop funding the free services being slavishly provided by GBC’s planning department to Britain’s private house-building oligopoly.

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