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Dragon Interview: Former MP Anne Milton Gives Her View of the General Election

Published on: 28 May, 2024
Updated on: 30 May, 2024

Anne Milton

By Martin Giles

Anne Milton was Guildford’s Conservative MP from 2005 to 2019. She is a veteran of five general election campaigns only losing in 2019 when she stood as an independent having been deselected by the Tories because she had fallen foul of Boris Johnson over the way she voted on a Brexit issue.

She served as a government minister and deputy chief whip so gained a very good insight into Government, Parliament, its workings and its politics.

Who better to give a view on the 2024 campaign?

Please listen to this short interview to hear what Anne thinks about where the 4,000 votes she received in 2019 might go, what will motivate voters, and whether individual candidates are able to fight a tide of public opinion…

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Responses to Dragon Interview: Former MP Anne Milton Gives Her View of the General Election

  1. Johan Ingles - Le Nobel Reply

    May 29, 2024 at 1:02 pm

    What a good sensible set of answers from Anne.

  2. Dale Askew Reply

    May 30, 2024 at 7:04 pm

    A useful insight here from Anne, during the time she was our MP I always found her responsive and supportive.

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