Zoe Franklin interview
In the second of a series of longer interviews with the five candidates standing to be the MP for Guildford, Martin Giles interviews the Liberal Democrat Zoe Franklin.
Subjects covered are the Climate Emergency, Brexit, the housing shortage and its link to immigration, Guildford’s Local Plan and the redevelopment of Guildford railway station…
See other parliamentary candidate interviews here.
This is the list of all candidates standing in Guildford:
This website is published by The Guildford Dragon NEWS
Contact: Martin Giles mgilesdragon@gmail.com
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John Schluter
November 16, 2019 at 9:40 pm
I totally agree with Zoe. Freedom of movement has been a boon for this country. Our NHS and other corporations have benefited from peoples’ unfettered access to live and work in our country.
We should be slapping ourselves on the back that these folk would like to help and assist our economy and GDP rather than erecting barriers to prevent it.
We are a nation of immigration.
Surely it’s time to mend the slightly damaged, but not irreparable, bridge rather than build a load more walls?
John Perkins
November 17, 2019 at 4:59 pm
There’s great significance in the word “unfettered”.
People will always go where they think the grass is greener, though not all of them will want to assist our economy.
After we leave the EU, Europeans will have the same rights as the rest of the world if they want to come to the UK. Those outside the EU will have greater rights as it’s the EU which restricts them.
Come to think it, how many EU countries refused unfettered access to East Europeans when they first joined?
Chris Franklin
November 17, 2019 at 9:15 am
Well done Zöe, lots of great points. The boys and I are behind you 100%.
(Chris Franklin is Zöe Franklin’s husband.)
Jim Allen
November 17, 2019 at 12:15 pm
In response to Mr Schluter – open borders are all very well until you actually consider practicalities.
The shortage of water: 4.5 million cubic meters of drinking water per annum, short for the HMA.
The lack of road capacity: some additional 47,000 additional travelling seats are required for the Guildford Local Plan.
Then there is the undersized sewer pipes and treatment plants, insufficient electricity generating capacity and the lack of fuels, gas, coal, hydrogen or electricity.
At what stage of the UK population growth will this open borders ‘plan’ will it be admitted that we simply don’t have the infrastructure, we no longer have the open space, enough fields, to grow sufficient food. The truth is our country is full up.
Adjusting statistics to say our country can ‘hold’ 100 million or any other number at random needs to be sorted now, not in 50 years time when it is too late. Do we really want our country to end up like Hong Kong where everyone lives in tower blocks with no food supply save from outside the area?
Speaking as an engineer, not a politician I say while the principle of open borders is fantastic until one starts looking at security, infrastructure and quality of life. At some point you are left with no choice, but to say “Sorry, no more.” That point in time is seen differently by the various political parties. But the majority who voted to Leave the EU understand the point will be reached sooner rather than later.
Sadly there are many who think only of their political philosophy without regard to the practical implications.
Julian Cranwell
November 18, 2019 at 1:20 pm
I totally disagree with Zoe. We hear from her more nonsense about the climate emergency, while supporting the Lib Dem’s adoption of the odious Tory Local Plan which will destroy much of the greenbelt and the countryside.
How on earth can she support, for example, the massive housing estate at Wisley, on the basis that “it can be made sustainable”.
This is simply impossible, for a new town completely cut off from the required infrastructure, such as railways, bus services, medical facilities etc. Any plan that builds massive estates in the countryside, requiring the residents to rely on the car for travel, can never be described as sustainable, in climate terms.
Her argument that “I’m not on the council”, so can do nothing about the massive housing oversupply, is simply not credible. If she has any hope to be elected, she should tell the GBC LibDems to think again, and review the Plan.
The Lib Dems at local and national level cannot be trusted, on planning or the environment.