Guildford Dragon reporter Chris Dick was invited to a behind-the-scenes view of the recent M25 closure. This is his account…
The second of five closures of the M25 over the weekend 10-13 May, this time between Junction 10 and Junction 9, Leatherhead, was, in engineering terms, a success.
Whilst motorists had avoided the area when the motorway was closed last month, this time there was significant congestion on local roads.
Accompanied by Jonathan Wade, the Senior Project Manager, Regional Investment Programme (South East) for National Highways; Howard Rhoades the Customer & Communications Manager for the Balfour Beatty major projects and Eleanor Wheeler from ITV, we made our way to where the installations were taking place at the M25/A3 Junction 10.
This part of the new roundabout required 72 reinforced concrete beams to support the new roundabout. Each beam weighed 40 tons and required two massive cranes working in tandem lifted the beams into place.
The natural green bridge will, when its time comes, require 80-ton beams to be lifted into place.
Another bridge destined for the M25 Junction 10 project nearing completion in the Nusteel Structures Ltd factory in Kent
A short distance further south the teams were also erecting an overhead gantry. This had been manufactured and transported by Nusteel Structures Ltd based in Hythe Kent.
Overall about 100 staff were on site working day and night over the weekend in shifts. Because of these unusual logistics Balfour Beatty provided free on-site hot meals at set times. Local caterers Event Food Carts from Woking provided the catering.
Whilst some parts of the new road and bridges could, in theory, be opened ahead of the summer 2025 opening, in practice this is unlikely to happen. Access to all parts of the project must be controlled for safety reasons.
During the visits reporters witnessed the lengths Balfour Beatty go to, to ensure there are no accidents. Everyone is in full protective clothing including hard hats, gloves, boots and glasses. Designated paths around the various parts of the site are carefully monitored.
As we came off the A3 slip road our driver slowed to a stop for a few seconds to ensure vehicles immediately behind us did not blindly follow us onto the works tracks and inevitably cause further safety problems.
There were free ear defenders and long-sleeved high-visibility vests to avoid excess exposure to sunlight and a full-time team of safety officers ensuring our safety and that of site staff.
In the next article we hope to stay in touch with developments and take a further look behind the scenes.
This website is published by The Guildford Dragon NEWS
Contact: Martin Giles
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Martin Elliott
May 21, 2024 at 4:12 pm
I wonder why VIP visitors are always issued with brand new PPE top to toe. Especially senior politicians on TV. Do they collect it all before visitors leave? Is it used again for VIPs or replacement kit for site workers?
Look at the condition of some of the real workers kit.
An interesting observation as a Senior Safety Engineer on site when visitors had all been issued PPE new from the stores, all the hard hats and footware was past “use by” dates. They’d been in stock too long or First in, Last out (FILO) had been employed instead of correct stock rotation (FIFO).