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Dunsfold Planning Application ‘Called In’

Published on: 8 Mar, 2017
Updated on: 10 Mar, 2017

Dunsfold Aerodrome

The planning application, approved by Waverley Borough Council in December 2016, for a 1,880 home “new town” on Dunsfold Aerodrome has been called in by the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government, Sajid Javid.

A planning inspector will now hold a local inquiry and make a recommendation to the Secretary of State. The date and location for the public inquiry has not yet been announced.

In Guildford it is feared that the development, along with others planned south of of the town, will add significantly to traffic on the A281.

Rt Hon Anne Milton MP

Reacting to the news Guildford’s MP Anne Milton said: “I am pleased to learn that the Secretary of State has decided to call in the planning application for Dunsfold Aerodrome.

“Many constituents contacted me when the previous application was submitted in 2008 and when I gave evidence at the public inquiry.

“I remain concerned that local infrastructure cannot support a development of this scale in this location. I understand that the Secretary of State specifically mentions these two factors in his letter to Waverley Borough Council.

“I am very aware that we need new homes and in particular for those on lower incomes. However those homes need to be situated in the right locations where the infrastructure, or anticipated infrastructure improvements can support them.’

Applications are called-in where planning issues of more than local importance are involved. This can include applications which:

  • Are of national significance
  • Conflict with government policy
  • Impact on long-term economic growth
  • Have significant effects beyond their immediate locality
  • Are controversial
  • Raise significant architectural and urban design issues
  • Involve national security or foreign governments

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Responses to Dunsfold Planning Application ‘Called In’

  1. John Armstrong Reply

    March 10, 2017 at 2:28 pm

    I must say I am pleased to read this news. Let us hope that sanity dawns on development issues in the Cranleigh area. There are already a number of planning applications in the pipeline, some of which are already approved. All we ever get are housing applications. Even industrial estates are earmarked for closure for housing developments which will pile even more traffic onto the A281 – and where are people going to work when all is housing and no industry?

    I have always felt that Dunsfold Aerodrome would better serve as an industrial centre providing employment locally rather than housing for those already employed elsewhere.

    An industrial complex with an operational runway should be considered an asset. I know there is not as much council tax in it for the town hall but people have to have a job before they can pay it.

  2. Ben Paton Reply

    March 10, 2017 at 5:10 pm

    Another Conservative local council, another case of preferring to promote development despite lack of adequate transport, heritage and environmental protections. Another council that pleads shortage of houses but has done nothing to obtain, let alone scrutinise, the arithmetic housing model from Justin Gardner Consulting that is supposed to underlie the West Surrey Strategic Housing Market Assessment. Another failure of scrutiny.

    These so-called local “Conservatives”, who are not conservative at all, must be swept from office and replaced by people who genuinely care for their local environment and local residents.

    Anyone who lives in West Sussex or Horsham coming up the A281 to Guildford and the A3 and gets stuck in the growing traffic jams must know who is responsible – your friendly local conservative councillor who smiles at election time and does nothing to protect your village or countryside.

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