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EA Games Team Lend A Hand On Halow Project’s Allotment

Published on: 2 May, 2015
Updated on: 2 May, 2015

Employees from Guildford-based gaming company, EA Games, spent a day volunteering with the halow project on their allotment.

The team from EA Games lend a helping hand with people from the halow project on their allotment.

The team from EA Games lend a helping hand with people from the halow project on their allotment.

In preparation for the growing season, the seven-strong EA team joined halow young people, their support and staff for a day of soil preparation, weeding, planting and the construction of new raised beds.

“Michelle Rendall, EA’s outreach co-ordinator said: “The EA team really enjoyed their day with halow. I would recommend other companies with an employee volunteering scheme get involved in helping out in this way – don’t put it off!

“It’s great fun and an excellent team-building exercise. It’s also incredibly satisfying when you can give something back to a local charity and the community and see firsthand the difference a bit of your time can make.”

Aisha Ariakutti, halow’s activities assistant, added: “halow relies on its team of volunteers to support our work in the community and its activities with young people.

“The EA team was fantastic. They got stuck in and really made a difference to the allotment and were a big help. halow’s young people enjoyed meeting the EA team and working alongside them on the plot – particularly when it came to planting the vegetables.

“EA also kindly donation a quantity of compost, vegetable plug plants and even laid on a packed lunch for everyone – they were great. Support from companies like this is essential for a small charity. We are very grateful to EA and the team for their generosity and support.”

If you’re an individual or company interested in volunteering with halow, get in touch at or call 01483 447960.

The halow project is a Guildford-based charity committed to supporting young people with a learning disability to have the same life choices and chances as any other young person.

From its community based social activities and learning programmes, to its one-to-one personalised support via its buddy service, halow helps young people to gain confidence, skills and be supported to live as independently as possible.

If you would like to make a donation, refer a young person or require further information, visit: or call 01483 447960.

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