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East Horsley Evening WI’s Latest News And Activities

Published on: 28 Sep, 2016
Updated on: 28 Sep, 2016

There was no formal meeting of East Horsley Evening WI during August, but members very much enjoyed a social occasion on a warm summer evening in a member’s garden.

East Horsley Evening WI enjoying their summer evening party.

East Horsley Evening WI enjoying their summer evening get together.

Members also enjoyed a visit to the Silent Pool Gin Distillery, a boat trip from Runnymede Boathouse and the Surrey Federation Golf Day.

At its first meeting in September after the summer break, members were entertained by Peter Thompson, who gave a talk titled When I was at the Bar.

He was called to the Bar in 1966 and has many fascinating stories to tell of his experiences. Those who had been following the trial in The Archers had many questions to put to him.

The group meets on the third Wednesday of the month in East Horsley Village Hall at 8pm. Its next meeting includes a talk titled The Seasons by Geoff Lunn and a craft sale.

Other activities include outings, walks, theatre visits, bridge afternoons and a book group. Visitors and new members are always welcome. For more details please ring 01483 285145.

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