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Environmentalists Call On All Surrey Candidates To Protect The Countryside

Published on: 27 Nov, 2019
Updated on: 28 Nov, 2019

The Surrey Branch of the Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE) is calling on candidates for the county’s 11 parliamentary seats to endorse the charity’s “Manifesto for Surrey”. 

Andy Smith, CPRE branch director, says they are “calling on candidates of all political parties and groups to pledge to defend the environment and heritage of our county”.

The manifesto sets out a series of commitments:

  • Commit to tackling the single greatest challenge facing the world, the climate and ecological emergency, which has far-reaching consequences for us all, and which must take precedence over all other political, social and economic issues;
  • Protect all of Surrey’s countryside and open spaces, our green belt, Surrey Hills Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and Areas of Great Landscape Value, and our precious woodland, from inappropriate development, urban sprawl and noise pollution, so our county remains attractive and tranquil for future generations;
  • Promote public health and well-being by maintaining parks and open spaces so all communities have outdoor recreation in their own neighbourhoods, and to enable everyone, including our younger generation, to enjoy our environment and reconnect with nature, with walking and cycling routes throughout Surrey;
  • Seek measurable improvements to environmental quality through the introduction of Clean Air Zones to reduce nitrogen dioxide and particulate air pollution, by promoting car-free housing developments, and trying to exceed current targets for waste reduction and recycling;
  • Oppose all hydrocarbon developments in Surrey including oil and gas exploration sites which wreck our countryside, endanger public health and safety, and add to man-made climate change;
  • Ensure dark night skies over Surrey, vital for our wildlife and for human health, through reducing light pollution and ‘night blight’;
  • Promote nature conservation, wildlife protection and increasing biodiversity through sustainable farming and land-use, and by recognising the crucial importance of the natural environment;
  • Support sustainable local food production by encouraging farm shops and farmers’ markets and by supporting community allotments maintain the vitality and prosperity of our town and village centres;
  • Reduce traffic congestion by promoting sustainable transport, cycling and walking, and boost investment in local bus services;
  • Preserve the special character of Surrey’s towns and villages, our conservation areas and historic buildings, and safeguard their historic setting from intrusive development; and
  • Meet local housing needs in our towns and villages by ensuring the provision of well-designed, appropriately-sized, high-quality homes that local people can afford, including social housing for rent, and by encouraging sustainable high-density developments on brownfield, urban sites.

Mr Smith added: “The future of our environment and quality of life is at stake, and at this critical time, as the candidates seek our votes in this General Election, we need all candidates and parties to affirm their support for a clean, green Surrey.”

This article is based on a CPRE Surrey press release.

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Responses to Environmentalists Call On All Surrey Candidates To Protect The Countryside

  1. Jim Allen Reply

    November 27, 2019 at 11:08 am

    I totally agree and if anyone was up early this morning and saw BBC Hard talk 1am about water problems at the Victoria Falls in Africa, it is clear we have serious problems facing the world.

    It may be mankind it may be “mother Nature” but there is no doubt that glaciers are melting, the conditions in the Sahara Desert are expanding and Europe seems to be getting wetter. We should understand the principles of the Serengeti Rules and stop destroying our countryside with the virtually uncontrolled application of tarmac and concrete and all associated reasons used to use it.

  2. Colin Cross Reply

    November 27, 2019 at 11:43 am

    Mr Smith is 100% spot on and there call for candidates to “pledge to defend the environment and heritage of our county” should be every Surrey resident’s mantra when assessing each candidate at this election.

    But I would not advise him to hold his breath for a positive answer on much of this from Angela Richardson, the Tory Guildford candidate, who has already clearly indicated she is pro-development and non-protectionist when it comes to our green belt and villages.

    That attitude surely narrows down the field for CPRE supporters.

    I write this as a private individual and not in my role as a GBC councillor.

  3. Peta Malthouse Reply

    November 28, 2019 at 10:06 am

    The Tory Government promised to protect our green belt then made changes to how Local Plans are made that have left us all in Surrey with a huge reduction of the green belt. The councillors all pledged to protect it but instead went pro-development.

    Boris Johnson has a reputation for telling lies but it seems it is the way of his party. Of course, they are pro-development and pro-private investment. They always have been.

    They also believe in light regulation viz planning guidance. So if you really want to protect the countryside don’t let them get back in. The Tories need to understand “enough is enough”.

  4. Julian Cranwell Reply

    November 28, 2019 at 5:31 pm

    This is the performance of the main parties, at the local GBC level, with regard to the environment:

    Tories – Rushed through their ruinous Local Plan a few days before the election. Their parliamentary candidate has already declared herself to be pro-development on the green belt.

    Lib Dem – Always supported the Tories on the Local Plan, has rejected the opportunity to review it, and has chosen to defend the judicial reviews which seek to review it.

    Labour – Always supported, and continue to support, the Tory Plan.

    As far as the environment is concerned, none of the above deserve our vote in Guildford.

    • George Potter Reply

      November 29, 2019 at 10:08 am

      This really is nonsense. I find it amazing to see Julian Cranwell claim that the Lib Dems have “always supported” the Local Plan when most Lib Dem councillors voted against it.

      The fact that we’re not living in cloud cuckoo land, and recognise that it’s too late to reverse the Local Plan without making things far worse, doesn’t mean we’re enthusiasts for it.

      George Potter is a Lib Dem borough councillor for Burpham

      • Jim Allen Reply

        November 29, 2019 at 7:34 pm

        Is George Pottery saying he supports the development of Gosden Hill development? Or have I misunderstood.

  5. Julian Cranwell Reply

    November 29, 2019 at 10:21 pm

    This really is nonsense from George Potter. Am I in cloud cuckoo land when I point out that his illustrious leader supported the ruinous Local Plan throughout its development?

    Is it cloud cuckoo to point out that since the Lib Dems came to power they have refused to do anything to ameliorate the worst impacts of this awful Plan.

    He says we should: “…recognise that it’s too late to reverse the Local Plan without making things far worse”.

    “Worse”? How on earth could it possibly be worse? Much of the green belt is about to be lost for future generations.

    Cllr Potter should be honest and admit his party has betrayed us.

  6. Peter Elliott Reply

    December 1, 2019 at 11:04 am

    I do wonder how important it actually is that our local MP should be pro- or anti-development on the green belt. After all, they don’t have a vote at Guildford Borough Council, and Anne Milton, as far as I can see, had zero impact on GBC policy concerning this, despite being quite a senior member of the government.

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