Fringe Box



Notice: Exhibition – Ripley – World Famous Cycling Mecca

Published on: 19 May, 2024
Updated on: 17 May, 2024

An exhibition to enthuse all the cyclists out there who may be surprised to know that Ripley was once the most famous place on the planet for cycling.

It traces the origin of the so-called Ripley Road which was, in fact, part of the Portsmouth Road between Ditton and Ripley. The cycling craze from 1870 -1900 brought thousands of cyclists into Ripley and in particular to the Anchor Pub and the hospitality of the Dibble family.

Fatured are the memorials in Ripley church and the “spin-offs” of the craze such as the Anchor Visitor books and a Ripley board game featuring the Anchor. We are delighted that The Anchor is supporting the exhibition with a free draw for lunch for two in their restaurant.

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