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Extended Deadline for Housing Assessment To Allow Identification of More Brownfield Sites

Published on: 6 Jan, 2014
Updated on: 6 Jan, 2014

SHLAA image Dec 2012 475A key component of consultation leading to a new Local Plan for Guildford, the Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment or “SHLAA”, has had its deadline for completion extended until 5pm on Friday, January 10.

The SHLAA identifies land with potential for housing development, the possible number of new homes and the likely timeframe for development. The deadline has been extended to allow land owners more time to notify the council of any potential brownfield sites, suitable for development.

Guildford Borough Council (GBC) initially put out a call for potential sites, via the council website, in summer 2013.

Under the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) a planning authority, in this case GBC, must use the SHLAA to establish realistic assumptions about the availability, suitability and the likely economic viability of land to meet the identified need for housing over the period of our new Local Plan.

There have been many calls for the Guildford Borough Council to ensure that brownfield sites are used first before any consideration is given to releasing green belt land. Cllr Monika Juneja (Con, Burpham), lead councillor for planning and governance is on record as saying she wants to do this but the council are unable to insist any site they do not own is developed and at least one brownfield sites within the borough has remained undeveloped for years.

Cllr Monika Juneja - lead councillor for...

Cllr Monika Juneja – lead councillor for planning and governance

Cllr Juneja said: “I am pleased that we have extended the time for people to tell us about possible development locations within brownfield sites until 10th of January. We listened throughout the recent issues and options consultation and our priority in developing the new Local Plan will be to look at brownfield sites first.

“I encourage all landowners and residents with brownfield land to let us know about these and any other development opportunities as soon as possible. It doesn’t matter how large or small the possible site might be, even a single home location will help us plan for future growth and compile the revised SHLAA.”

A council spokesperson added: “A number of new opportunities have emerged through the current call for sites and through our recent consultation on the Issues and Options for the new Local Plan. If anyone owns or knows of a site that might be suitable for redevelopment then please let us know.

“Please also supply us with the details of the current owner, so we can contact them to verify details of availability. Forms to submit a potential site are on our website at

“Not all land suggested by local people will be suitable for development and we will not automatically accept sites that anyone submits. We want to maximise the use of previously developed areas known as brownfield sites. We are looking for all sites that are available for development, down to and including those capable of accommodating one new home.”

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Responses to Extended Deadline for Housing Assessment To Allow Identification of More Brownfield Sites

  1. Mary Bedforth Reply

    January 11, 2014 at 11:13 am

    According to this article in yesterday’s Daily Telegraph about hidden plans for garden cities,

    ‘Mr Cameron’s apparent cooling on garden cities comes as Nick Boles, the planning minister, was told to “tone down” his aggressive rhetoric on planning.

    No 10 has warned Mr Boles to stop making uncompromising speeches about development over fears that his language was alienating voters in rural constituencies.’

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